Reflecting On The Plumpang Depo Fire, Oil And Gas Industry Players Need An Evaluation Of The K3L System

JAKARTA - Following the Pertamina Plumpang Depot fire, Koja, North Jakarta, players in the oil and gas industry need to evaluate related to Health, Safety, Security and Environment (KKKL).

Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Energy, Mineral, and Coal Suppliers (Aspebindo), Anggawira, said that apart from the Pertamina Plumpang Depot, in the last three years, there were six refinerys and or depots of PT Pertamina that burned down.

"I think with these various incidents, there must be action by issuing a massive policy or breakthrough to solve the HSSE problem. This applies not only to Pertamina but to all players in the gas and petroleum industry," he said quoting Antara, Tuesday, March 7.

According to him, although Pertamina has moved quickly to deal with fire incidents, especially those related to victims, it is a standard mitigation procedure when an accident occurs.

"However, there needs to be an evaluation so that breakthroughs can strengthen the HSSE aspect. Do not let this incident happen again, and it should be noted if this incident occurs again how the rescue procedure is standard to minimize its impact," said the Secretary General of BPP Hipmi.

Anggawira emphasized the need for a buffer zone in each fuel oil depot (BBM). Moreover, fuel depots are dangerous areas that are surrounded by flammable substances.

He said buffer zones are also seat belts and part of the HSSE aspect around the fuel-prone stockpiled tank area.

"The land around the fuel depot location can be released and used as a reforestation area," he said.

Previously, President Jokowi had ordered SOE Minister Erick Thohir and Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono to find a solution following the fire that occurred at the Pertamina Plumpang Depot which caused casualties.

The relocation can be two possibilities, namely moving residents to the reclamation island or the location of the moved Pertamina Depot.

Following up on the directive, SOE Minister Erick Thohir revealed that Pertamina is ready to move Plumpang Fuel Terminal (TBBM) in Koja, North Jakarta to Pelindo's land.

"We have had a meeting that we will move the TBBM (Plumpang) to Pelindo's land," said Erick.