Lessons From The Pertamina Plumpang Depot Fire: Settlements In The Disaster Zone Must Be Reorganized

JAKARTA The explosion of oil fuel pipelines in the Depot area of Pertamina Plumpang, Koja, North Jakarta on Friday night, March 3, 2023, according to urban planning observer from Trisakti University Jakarta, Yayat Supriyatna, should be a lesson. The government must seriously resolve the problems of residential areas in the Tanah Merah area.

"Because this has been protracted and there is never any clarity. The area has actually been planned for the buffer zone, it has been brought together for a long time. The Governor of Foke (Fauzi Bowo) era had continued but until now it has not been realized," Yayat told VOI on March 4, 2023.

Even on its way, residents of Tanah Merah tend to be facilitated to stay permanently.

"Given electricity, given an ID card, you can have the right to vote for the election. In fact, it's a dispute or a gray area. On the other hand, it is also very dangerous for settlements. People are given the opportunity to live, so they will definitely be used. Look now the conditions are getting denser," he said.

So it is not surprising that many residents were victims when there was a fire incident.

The DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) on March 4, 2023 at around 10:00 WIB recorded 17 deaths, 49 serious injuries, and 2 moderate injuries.

According to Yayat, the DKI Provincial Government together with a number of government agencies and the private sector must sit together to develop a restructuring plan by relocating, either relocating residents or oil depots.

If the choice is to relocate residents, the DKI Provincial Government cannot move on its own. Moreover, this concerns disputed land.

"The Red Land was claimed by several parties, not only Pertamina. Its status is not clear whether the state land, Pertamina land or whose land, or it could also be official land for residents, because reportedly the court had won some residents to live there," said Yayat.

The DKI Provincial Government must take the initiative to carry out mapping. Must be clear and clear before the land status. After everything is clear, prepare a flat.

"Suspective contributions with other government agencies such as Pertamina, the Ministry of SOEs, and PUPR. What kind of mechanism is left to be discussed, whether you want a thorough relocation or only part of it, according to the area of the buffer zone set," he explained.

"When it comes to compensation, there is no need if there are no documents, it must be firm. I think the DKI Provincial Government has experience reorganizing settlements in Gembrong Market," continued Yayat.

If the choice is to relocate the depot, Yayat is of the opinion that the government must still look for strategic replacement land, close to port access.

"As for my concept, I have moved the residents," he said.

Public Policy Observer Agus Pambagio has the same opinion. The DKI Provincial Government and Pertamina must be firm. Pertamina's land area in Plumpang reaches 156 hectares, only 70 hectares are used. The rest is as land for security if things happen that are not desirable.

Unfortunately since the reform era, state-owned vacant lands have beenocupated, including Plumpang. So that there is no longer a safe distance.

Just like toll roads or airports, empty land is provided for safety. So, I'm also not surprised if there are many victims, yes, land safety is left to become a settlement," Agus told VOI on March 4, 2023.

"In my opinion, Pertamina must keep all of her land, there is a certificate. Expel residents must be firm and hard, everywhere as well as civilized nations, not to like, there are rules. The vacant land they occupy is vital and dangerous objects," Agus added.

Not only related to security land, Pertamina must also evaluate its operational performance. Because this is not the first time this has happened. The Pertamina Plumpang depot also caught fire on January 18, 2009 at around 21.30 WIB due to an explosion during tank testing.

At that time, Pertamina stated that the fire was caused by human error, because she was negligent in implementing the security system when testing. As a result, one security officer at the facility died.

The same incident has also occurred at the Pertamina Depot in Kabung Bay on May 14, 2014. The fire was allegedly caused by a technical error in the work. Marketing Branch Manager of West Sumatra-Riau PT Pertamina at that time, Ardyan Adhitia said there was a kind of device that fell and caused sparks to spread.

Three contract workers suffered burns to their shoulders and arms. As a result of this incident, the distribution of fuel oil to West Sumatra and several areas in Bengkulu and Jambi was disrupted.

Then at the Pertamina RU VI Balongan oil refinery, Indramayu on March 29, 2021, due to gas leakage. One person died, 14 people were slightly injured, and 5 others were seriously injured.

That is why, Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the National Awakening Party, Daniel Johan, believes that there needs to be a thorough evaluation. The cause must be known so that anticipation can be carried out in the future. Is it due to human error, natural conditions, or indeed the weakness of the security system.

"Because, generally, oil refinery fires are due to a weak security system. There must be a right way so that this incident does not happen again. In addition, of course, it is also necessary to think about relocation because the area there is already too densely populated," Daniel told VOI on March 4, 2023.

Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir in a press conference at Pertamina Central Hospital, Jakarta on February 4, 2023, has also instructed all SOEs that manage national vital assets to form a business risk management team.

His job is not only to focus on finance, but comprehensively including operational security. Regarding the fire at the Plumpang Depot on March 3, Erick confirmed, "Have conducted an investigation and will see if there are improvements in the medium term."

Erick also does not deny that the existence of a buffer zone in the average national vital object is now very thin or close to residential areas.

"If we look at Pertamina's buffer zones from 1971 to 1987 in very safe conditions. However, after the 1998 Reformation, if we see a lot of land loss (bantum zones). And this context does not only occur in Plumpang, but also in other national vital objects," he said as quoted by Antara on March 4, 2023.

Since two years ago, according to Erick, it has emerged that he will relocate the Pertamina Plumpang Depot to Pelindo.

"I will re-check, but it is impossible for us to carry out this zoning context on our own because it needs support from local governments. I think the President has also instructed the local government, we from the central government whether the Ministry of SOEs or the National Police is to synchronize joint spatial planning," added Erick Thohir.