North Korea Updates Commitment To Strengthen Nuclear Weapons

JAKARTA - North Korea on Saturday updated its determination to increase its nuclear arsenal on the grounds that the nuclear threat from it would ensure a balance of strength in the region.

North Korea's foreign ministry also criticized the United States for causing the collapse of the international weapons control system.

"The impact of the nuclear threat ensures a strong balance of strength in the region and physical security to prevent the outbreak of a new war," the North Korean ministry said in a comment, citing Antara, Sunday.

North Korea claims that the addition of weapons unilaterally by the US and its allies increases the risk of armed conflict on the Korean Peninsula.

North Korea's remarks came as South Korea and the US announced that they would conduct joint military exercises this month to strengthen the allied defense posture.

The joint exercise, called Freedom Shield exercise, is scheduled to take place from March 13-23 without rest, marking the longest edition of a computer simulation command post exercise with them.

It will then be continued simultaneously with a new large-scale field exercise, called Warrior Shield, in line with allied push to strengthen training programs and improve their "realism".