Mario Et Al's Persecution Case Withdrawn From Polsek To Polres Then Polda, This Is David Ozora's Lawyer's Response

JAKARTA - Cristalino's attorney David Ozora (17), M Syahwan Arey admitted that he still considers the withdrawal of the premeditated assault case with the suspect Mario Dandy et al from the Pesanggrahan Police to the South Jakarta Police and then handled by the Polda Metro Jaya is a common thing.

"Yes, it's good to be bright, maybe at the Polsek (Pesanggrahan) and at the Polres (Jaksel) they are still afraid that they will eventually be withdrawn to the Polda Metro Jaya," said Syahwan Arey during a visit to the Voi.di Editor's Office, Friday, March 3.

Syawan Arey was also of the view that because it involved the children of the perpetrators (AG) of the Sector Police and the Resort Police, they must be careful, as well as considerations.

"Because in considering child cases, there must be a KPAI or Komnas study, so we only see the caution of investigators," he said.

Mario Et Al's case of abuse against David since last Thursday has been handled by the Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya.

This case was first investigated by the Pesanggrahan Police. This is because the location of the incident is in the jurisdiction of the Pesanggrahan Police. The police said that the police did not have a female and child service unit (PPA), then transferred to the South Jakarta Metro Police.

Even though it is known, it was at the Pesanggaran Police that Jeep Rubicon's car, which became evidence of the case of persecution David Latumahina, had disappeared and finally returned with the number plate changing, B 120 DEN to B 2571 PBP.

After a few days, the Mario et al cases were withdrawn to the South Jakarta Police and Mario and Lukas Rotua Pangondian Lumbantoruan (19) as suspects on charges of abuse, not planning Article 351.

This was based on Mario's confession, the first time the examination was just an ordinary fight.

David's lawyer, Syawan Arey admitted that LBH Ansor asked the police to raise it under the premeditated article Article 355 of the Criminal Code and finally Mario et al were withdrawn to the Polda Metro Jaya. At this Polda Jaya, AG, who is suspected of being involved, was raised to become the perpetrator and was charged with the Child Protection Law.

"Basically we believe that the National Police investigators are professional so that this case can work, if the public rides it, the public will also judge," added Syawan Arey.

The articles applied to ensnare the perpetrator and the suspect are now:

1. Mario Dandy Satriyo is now charged with Article 355 of the Criminal Code Paragraph 1 Subsidiary 354 Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, more than Subsidiary 353 Paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code, more than Subsidiary 351 Paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code and or 76 C Juncto 80 of Law Number 35 of 2012 concerning Child Protection with a maximum threat of 12 years in prison.

2. Shane Lukas Rotua Pangodian Lumbantoruan was charged with Article 355 Paragraph 1 Juncto 56 KUHP Subsidiary 354 Paragraph 1 Juncto 56 KUHP over Subsidiary 353 Paragraph 2 Juncto 56 KUHP more than Subsidiary 351 Paragraph 2 Juncto 56 KUHP and or 76 C Juncto 80 Law Number 35 of 2012 concerning Child Protection with a maximum threat of 12 years in prison.

3. Children in conflict with law, AG is charged with Article 76 C Juncto Article 80 of Law Number 35 Year Child Protection and or 355 Paragraph 1 Juncto 56 KUHP over Subsidiary 353 Paragraph 2 Juncto 56 KUHP more than Subsidiary 351 Paragraph 2 Juncto 56 KUHP. For his actions, AG faces a maximum sentence of four years in prison after being reduced by half of the maximum threat and reduced by a third as stipulated in Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning Child Justice