Officially, The Operation Of Electric Buses In Bontang Witnessed By Moeldoko

BONTANG- Marked by breaking a jug and horns, Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko inaugurated the operation of two Electric Buses of PT Kaltim Parna Industri (KPI), in Bontang, East Kalimantan, Friday, March 3.

After the inauguration, Moeldoko accompanied by the board of directors of PT KPI immediately boarded a bus paving the industrial area of the East Kalimantan Industrial Estate. The electric bus produced by PT Mobil Anak Bangsa (MAB) circled the Graha Parna area without making a loud and smokeless sound.

"This electric bus uses a 127kwh battery, with a distance of 150 kilometers," said PT MAB President Director Kelik Irwantoro when explaining the specifications of the bus.

After arriving again at the inauguration location, Moeldoko expressed his appreciation to PT KPI for being the pioneer of the operation of the Electric Bus as a means of transportation for employees. This step, according to him, is a form of shared responsibility to improve environmental conditions. "This is for the sake of our children and grandchildren later," said Moeldoko.

He said the development of electric vehicles in Indonesia has two targets. First, reducing fuel imports, which are currently of unusually high value. Second, realizing Indonesia's commitment to zero emissions by 2060.

For this reason, continued Moeldoko, President Joko Widodo has a strong spirit to accelerate the development of electric vehicles in Indonesia. This commitment is realized in the form of Presidential Decree No. 55/2019 concerning the Acceleration of the Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicle Program, and Presidential Instruction No. 7/2022 concerning the use of electric vehicles as government official vehicles.

Moeldoko, who is also the Chair of Periclindo, assessed that accelerating the development of battery-based electric vehicles also requires support from the private sector to trigger and spur the growth of the electric vehicle industry in Indonesia.

"The government provides flexibility for the private sector to develop infrastructure to support electric vehicles. So that the electric vehicle ecosystem in Indonesia can run quickly," he said.

Meanwhile, the President Director of PT Kaltim Parna Industri Hari Supriyadi said that the operation of electric buses as a means of transportation for employees was one of PT KPI's efforts to support environmental improvement.

"KPI does not want to be at the forefront, but wants to implement a more environmentally friendly one, also wants to collaborate with the domestic producer industry to mobilize domestic industrial power," said Hari.