Firli Says Only Half Of Legislative And Executive Officials Who Report Their Assets To KPK
JAKARTA - The Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri confirmed that he would increase supervision of the State Officials' Wealth Report (LHKPN). There are still many obligatory reports who apparently have not submitted their assets, including legislative officials.
"Today, around 53 percent of the executive has only arrived (who reported, ed). From the legislature, only 38 percent," Firli told reporters in Jakarta, Thursday, March 2.
Meanwhile, from state administrators in the judiciary, 94.8 percent have reported. Firli said the KPK would continue to wait for them to convey the number of their assets until the end of March.
"March 31 is the end of state administrators submitting the LHKPN," he said.
Firli stated that he had suggested that state officials be honest in submitting reports on their wealth. One of them is encouraging discussion of the Asset Confiscation Bill in the DPR RI.
"KPK has submitted quite strategic suggestions related to the organizers being honest in providing LHKPN. We and the President agreed to ask the DPR and the government to discuss the bill to become the Asset Confiscation Law," he said.
"I think this has come to the attention of the Corruption Eradication Committee and also the president to convey it last February 7," continued Firli.
As previously reported, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) again pushed for the Asset Confiscation Bill to be passed immediately. This statement was made on Tuesday, February 7.
"I urge that the Criminal Act of Asset Confiscation Bill be promulgated immediately and the discussion on the Bill on Restrictions on Currency Transactions begin immediately," Jokowi said as reported by Antara.
It is known that this draft law has not been discussed by the DPR RI for 10 years even though it was proposed since 2012. In fact, this law is important because Indonesia has submitted instruments of ratification to the United Nation Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) and the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crimes (UNCTOC) several years then as a reference for the formation of the Asset Confiscation Bill.