Sriwijaya Air SJY182 Aircraft Crashes, Ministry Of Transportation Launches 7 Patrol Boats To Aid In The Search

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation, through the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, deployed 7 (seven) patrol boats of the Sea and Coast Guard (KPLP) to assist in the search for Sriwijaya Air SJY182 aircraft on the Jakarta-Pontianak route which reportedly lost contact, Saturday, January 9.

Head of the Organization and Public Relations Division of Tidjen Sea Transportation, Wisnu Wardana, said that the seven ships, 5 of which are the Class I Tanjung Priok Marine and Coast Guard Base (PLP) fleet, namely KN. Trident P-111 which is currently in the waters of the Thousand Islands, KN. Alugara P-114, KN. Celurit P-203, KN. Dagger P. 205. In addition, RIB SAR PLP Tanjung Priok was also alerted.

The Seribu Islands Class III Port Authority and Port Authority Office (KSOP) deployed 2 patrol boats, namely KN.355 and V.S054, which will depart tomorrow morning.

The KPLP Director, Ahmad explained, the KPLP patrol boats were on standby and immediately joined the SAR team under the command of Basarnas to carry out rescue and search for the Sriwijaya Air victims.

Meanwhile, the captain of the Trisula ship, Eko Surya, said that the Trisula ship had found objects that were thought to belong to Sriwijaya Air. Until now, the Trisula Patrol boat is still in the location to continue to search and rescue.