Iran Bans Citizens From Participating In Foreign-made COVID-19 Vaccine Trials

JAKARTA - Foreign companies will be barred from involving Iranians in COVID-19 vaccine trials, said Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Saturday, January 9, one day after Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei banned the import of vaccines from Britain and the United States.

"Foreign companies want to give us a vaccine so they can test the vaccine on the Iranian people. However, the Ministry of Health will prevent that from happening," Rouhani said during his remarks broadcast by national television channels, reported by Antara, Saturday, 9 January.

Rouhani did not name the company, nor did he give further details.

"Our people will not be testing tools for vaccine companies," he added.

"We will buy safe foreign-made vaccines," Rouhani said.

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Friday, January 8, said the US and Britain could not be trusted. The two countries, according to Khamenei, are likely trying to spread the disease to other countries.

Iran can get the vaccine from a trusted place, Khamenei said without giving further details. Alongside Britain and the US, China and Russia - allies of Iran - are also producing a vaccine for COVID-19.

Khamenei repeated the allegations on Twitter. However, Twitter deleted the tweet because the contents of the message were deemed misleading and contrary to company rules.

Iran launched a trial of its domestically made vaccine at the end of last month. The government says the vaccine will help Iran deal with the pandemic amid difficulties caused by economic sanctions imposed by the United States.

The US economic sanctions have an impact on Iran's ability to import vaccines from abroad.

Tensions between Washington and Tehran have been running high since 2018 which was exacerbated by the policies of US President Donald Trump.

Trump quit the nuclear deal signed by the two countries in 2015 and he has again imposed sanctions on Iran.