Regional Media Center At The Forefront Of Positive Information Dissemination

JAKARTA - Through the Regional Media Center (AMC) Award 2023, the Directorate General of Public Information and Communication (Ditjen IKP) of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) emphasized the importance and crucial role of regional media centers as the frontline for spreading positive, healthy and enlightening information for the community.

Because of this, the Director General of IKP Kominfo, Usman Kansong, stated that regional media center managers who are members of the news network on the national news portal under the management of the Directorate General of IKP Kominfo, must continue to compete in giving their best contribution, both text news and quality photo news.

"Hopefully this best achievement will become a lever to continue to contribute to building healthy public communication and enlightening the community," said Usman Kansong while giving a speech at the 2023 Regional AMC event, Tuesday 28 February in Depok, West Java.

Prevent Misinformation

This, continued Usman, is very important in the midst of a massive flow of information with the potential for misinformation and disinformation to hoaxes that are rife in the community. The presence of a regional media center together with can increase literacy in reliable and enlightening news.

"The award was given to the best media center manager for his contribution to the national news portal, this contribution shows a shared commitment to building better public communication," continued Usman Kansong.

According to Usman Kansong, what is doing with the regional media center network is in line with Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 9 of 2015 concerning the Management of Public Communications. Kominfo was specifically instructed to carry out the preparation and implementation of public communications related to government policies and programs.

"Therefore, the position of the regional media center as the network is important and crucial as the front guard in producing and disseminating information to the public, hopefully, in the future, the assessment can be more qualitative, not just quantitative," hoped the Director General of IKP.

151 Media Center

Meanwhile, the Director of Media Management (PM) of the Directorate General of IKP Kominfo, Nursodik Gunardjo, in his report stated that the regional media center network at had been initiated since 2007, now there are approximately 151 media centers that actively contribute around 6,000 online content in the form of photos and videos. news.

"Now the AMC itself has been held since 2015 as a form of appreciation for media centers that have contributed in sending news and photos, the hope is that from time to time it will increase, not only in number but also in quality," explained Nursodik Gunardjo.

According to him, AMC 2023 was held not only as a form of appreciation, but at the same time to strengthen cooperation and communication between the center and the regions in terms of public communication and agenda setting that had been prepared.

"The AMC event is expected to increase the number of media centers that are committed to contributing to, and increase the quantity as well as the quality of reporting, both news and news photos," said Nursodik Gunardjo.

List of Regional AMC Winners 2023

The winners of AMC 2023 have been determined based on the Decree of the Director General of IKP which is determined through an assessment by the Public Info News Portal Editorial Team, taking into account the quantity and quality of information content and the direction of reporting that has been determined by the editorial team for the period January to December 2022.

AMC 2023 announced a number of winning categories including Provincial Media Center Best News Contribution, Regency/City Media Center, and Photo Contribution Media Center. There are new nominations namely Best Photo and Most Popular News.

The winners of the 2023 Regional Media Center Award include, namely, the Best Media Center category for Province-level News Contribution, ranking I for the East Java Province Communication and Information Service, II for the Riau Province Communication, Informatics and Statistics Service, and III for the Kalimantan Province Communication, Informatics, Coding and Statistics of Central Kalimantan Province.

In the Best Media Center category for News Contribution at the Regency/City Level, the first rank was won by the Padang City Communication and Information Service, II for the Protocol and Communication Section for Regional Secretariat Leaders of Agam Regency, III for the Communications, Statistical Informatics and Encryption Office of Palangkaraya City.

Meanwhile, in the category of Best Media Center Photo Contribution at the Provincial/District/City Level, Rank I was won by the Gorontalo Province Communication, Informatics, and Statistics Office, II was the Communication and Informatics Office of South Kalimantan Province, and Rank III was in the Protocol and Communication Section of the Regional Secretariat Head of the City of Tidore Islands.

For the Most Popular Media Center News category, Rank I is the Aceh Province Communication, Informatics, and Coding Service with the news title "Aceh Diskominsa Holds NGOPI on Accompanying Children During Vaccines", II Sumenep District Communication and Informatics Service with the news title "Gauri Band, New Colors in Sumenep Detention Center”, and III of the Gorontalo Province Communication, Informatics, and Statistics Service with the news title “A total of 207 Students Participate in the Selection of Prospective PPLP Gorontalo Athletes”.

In the Media Center Best Photo category, the Communication and Informatics Office of Gianyar Regency won 1st place with the photo title “Sisya Dancers”, 2nd place went to the Gorontalo Province Communication, Informatics, and Statistics Service for the photo title “Pesona Gorontalo”, and 3rd City Communication and Informatics Service Pariaman photo title “Golong-Golong Traditional Game”.

Present at the 2023 Regional AMC award ceremony included, Special Staff for Political Communication and Strategic Issues, Mr. Phillip M. Gobang, Special Staff for Public Communication Information, Digital Transformation, and Inter-Institutional Relations, Mrs. Rosarita Niken Widiastuti, Expert Staff for the Minister of Communication and Information for the Field Communication and Mass Media, Prof. Widodo Muktiyo, Head of Public Relations Bureau, Raden Rhina Anita.