Waiting For Decisive Action After Komnas HAM Investigation On The Completion Of The Shooting Incident Of FPI Laskar

JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) has completed their investigation regarding the Karawang Incident or the shooting of six soldiers of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). Now, a number of parties are asking President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to order the National Police Chief to follow up on his members who were involved in the incident that killed the six people.

After completing their investigation, Komnas HAM then presented their findings regarding the shooting incident on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road that involved FPI members and the police. They found that there were two different contexts of events in the one shooting incident.

The context of the first incident occurred on Jalan International Karawang until it was thought to have reached KM 48 Cikampek Toll. Komnas HAM said that when this incident occurred, there was a hand in hand, bumping into each other, causing a shootout between the FPI laskar and police officers assigned to follow FPI Grand Imam Rizieq Shihab in an investigation into a case of violation of health protocols.

Furthermore, there is a context for the second incident which was later called by Komnas HAM where human rights violations occurred in it. Because, as many as four FPI laskar who were still alive when brought by the police were actually found dead afterward.

"Regarding the KM 50 incident and above, there were four people who were still alive under the control of state officials who were later found dead so that the incident was a form of human rights violation," said the Commissioner and Chair of the Komnas HAM Investigation Team Choirul Anam in a press conference at his office. Friday, January 8th.

Based on these findings, the deaths of four people were called Komnas HAM as a form of unlawful killing.

"The shooting of four people at one time without any other effort being made to avoid the increasing number of fatalities, indicates an act of unlawful killing of four FPI soldiers," he said.

Furthermore, Komnas HAM explained a number of its findings, including the findings of how the FPI's army car actually took action waiting for the police officers' car which was the beginning of this incident.

Choirul explained that actually the two cars boarded by the FPI troops, namely the Toyota Avanza and Chevrolette Spin minibuses, had the opportunity to get away from the car of the officers who were following the tailing. However, they did not do this.

"The two FPI cars managed to make a distance and had the opportunity to run away and get away. However, (the two cars, red) took action to wait and finally they met again with the car of the K 9143 EL officer and two other cars, namely B 1278 KJD and B 1739. PWQ, "said Choirul.

The incident which later resulted in chasing each other, being brushed against each other, and shooting between the cars carrying the FPI paramilitary troops and the cars of police officers was considered by Komnas HAM to have an important role. Because, if from the beginning the two cars carrying the FPI paramilitary had fled, then there would be no incident that resulted in the deaths of the six people.

"If there wasn't a waiting process, the KM 50 incident would not have happened," said Choirul.

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This analysis is also not taken carelessly by the team he leads. Choirul said, Komnas HAM had held discussions with a forensic psychologist when examining evidence.

From the exposure of the forensic psychologist, this waiting process is referred to as a form of resistance by the FPI paramilitary guards of Rizieq against actions taken by the police.

The reconstruction of the shooting of the FPI paramilitary troops by Komnas HAM some time ago (Wardhany Tsa Tsia / VOI)

"We feel the need to call a forensic psychologist and he said that this is the baseline, the fighting baseline," he said.

Awaiting Further Steps

After Komnas HAM delivered the results of their investigation, KontraS through their legal staff Andi Muhammad Rezaldy spoke up. According to this human rights activist organization, the results of the investigation stating that four members of the FPI laskar had occurred by police officers were the correct conclusion.

"This is the right conclusion because the use of firearms (by the police, red) is suspected of not paying attention to the principles of urgency, legality and proportionality as regulated in Perkapolri No.1 / 2009," said Andi in his written statement to reporters.

In addition, he explained, when referring to the UN Basic Principles on The Use of Force and Fire Arms By Law Enforcement Official, the use of firearms is actually only allowed as a last resort or extraordinary situation. The goal is not to kill, but only to paralyze.

So, with this conclusion, KontraS assessed that Jokowi must take firm action. Including ordering the Chief of Police to take further steps related to this incident.

"The president must immediately order the Chief of Police to carry out an investigation so that the police apparatus responsible for this case can be brought to justice through the criminal justice mechanism," said Andi.

Similar requests have also emerged from Amnesty International Indonesia. Researcher of this institution, Ari Pramuditya, said that legal proceedings against members of the police still need to be carried out. This is because, even though FPI members are suspected of having violated the law or criminal acts, they should not have been dealt with in such a way as to die.

"They should not be treated like that. They (the six FPI laskar, ed) still have the right to be arrested and brought to trial to get a fair trial for the sake of proof. The security apparatus has no right to become judges and decide to just take their lives," said Ari.

Metro Jaya Police Chief, Inspector General Fadil Imran, shows a gun belonging to the FPI special army guarding Rizieq Shihab (Rizky Adytia / VOI)

Thus, the results of the Komnas HAM investigation must be immediately followed up to ensure that the legal process is carried out accountably.

"Security officers who are suspected of being involved in the extrajudicial killing must be brought to the criminal court openly. Of course, by observing the principle of fair trial without imposing the death penalty," he concluded.

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