Mental Drop Due To Domestic Violence Rizal Djjibran, Sarah Asked To Consult To Psychologists

Feeling that it was not enough just to make a police report on Rizal Djibran's alleged Domestic Violence (KDRT) against him, Sarah came to Komnas Perempuan to oversee her case.

Sarah explained that her arrival this time was a continuation of her report to Komnas Perempuan which she had previously done. "Before I was sued (talak), I had already reported it to Komnas around October, I'm just updating it," Sarah told the media crew at the Komnas Perempuan office, Central Jakarta on Tuesday, February 28, 2023.

Accompanied by her attorney, Tris Harijanto, Sarah was asked by Komnas Perempuan to meet a psychologist. As a result of the domestic violence experienced, Sarah's mentality was felt to have fallen. The lawyer also stated that Komnas Perempuan was willing to facilitate.

"Because of Sarah's mental condition dropped, Komnas Perempuan also helped provide psychological facilities for consultation with psychologists," said Tris.

Not only that, the lawyer also expressed the support provided by Komnas Perempuan for the case currently being faced by her client. He said that he would jointly oversee the police report made by Sarah.

"Yes, of course, it helps oversee the legal process of this event in the police. From the Komnas Perempuan side, it is very supportive, of course it will help, oversee, so that my problem continues to run as it should, and on the track as expected by my client," said Tris Harijanto.

For information, Sarah's report on alleged acts of domestic violence and sexual violence committed by Rizal Djibran is registered in the number LP/B/802/II/2023/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA.

In this case Rizal Djibran was reported under Article 5 Letter A in conjunction with Article 43 Paragraph (1) and or Article 8 Letter A in conjunction with Article 46 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2004 concerning PKDRT.