MACAN Museum Art Exhibition Schedule For 2021

JAKARTA - Good news for art lovers. Starting January 2021, Museum MACAN (Modern and Contemporary Art in Nusantara) can be visited again with various exhibitions that have been scheduled.

For those who are not familiar, MACAN Museum is an art space in Jakarta. This museum has a collection of modern and contemporary art from Indonesia and around the world.

MACAN Museum is a place to work for local and international artists to present their work to the art-loving community.

Entering 2021, Museum MACAN has prepared an exhibition that focuses on contemporary art from Southeast Asia. Apart from exhibiting the museum collections, of course there will be educational events to discussions.

The following is the schedule of exhibitions that can be visited throughout 2021 at the MACAN Museum:

Stories Across Rising Lands (23 January - 22 May 2021)

This exhibition will display works of art from various mediums. With the theme of Southeast Asian contemporary art, the exhibition will be curated by curator Asep Topan and Korean curator based in Jakarta, Jeong Ok Jeon.

In this exhibition, there will be eight artists, namely Cian Dayrit (Philippines), Ho Rui An (Singapore), Kawita Vatanajyankur (Thailand), Saleh Husein (Indonesia), Lim Kok Yoong (Malaysia), Souliya Phoumivong (Laos), Maharani Mancanagara ( Indonesia), Nge Lay (Myanmar), and the collaboration between Tan Vatey and Sinta Wibowo (Cambodia / Belgium).

Universe and Angan: A Selection of Works from the Museum MACAN Collection (23 January - 25 July 2021)

In this exhibition, you can see the installation work of Multiverse and Futures (2017) by the Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson, Keith Hering's Potrait of Grace Jones (1986), and works by Sigmar Polke, Barbara Kruger, Zai Kuning, Tisna Sanjaya, and Bandu Darmawan.

The Story of Nowhere by Citra Sasmita (15 December 2020 - 22 May 2021)

This exhibition is inspired by the classic Balinese Tantri story and the artist will take visitors to an imaginary world filled with animals in fairy tales and smell the spices.

Melati Suryodarmo: Why Let Chicken Run? (23 January - 22 May 2021)

Why Let The Chicken Run? This is Melati's solo exhibition that was held in 2020 at Museum MACAN. This exhibition will be displayed again next year at the same place. Why Let Chicken Run? It is a selection of Melati's performance works from her 20 years of artistic performance.

Colors in the Cave by Mit Jai Iin (23 January - 28 March 2021)

Color in the Cave is an installation created by artist Mit Jai Inn. Visitors will be brought into the cave gate which is filled with color. This installation will free anyone to express themselves by mixing colors, drawing, composing shapes, or painting on cave walls.