Free, Abu Bakr: Thank You, May Allah Deliver The Merits To Mr And Mrs

JAKARTA - Former terrorist convict Abu Bakar Ba'asyir expressed his gratitude to those who helped him during his detention at Gunung Sindur Class IIA Special Prison, Bogor, West Java.

"I would like to express my gratitude and hope that Allah will reward the ladies and gentlemen who have helped me a lot while I was here," said Ba'asyir, quoted from a video shared by the Directorate General of Corrections (Ditjenpas) to journalists reported by Antara, Jakarta, Friday, January 8th.

Ba'asyir conveyed this shortly before leaving the Gunung Sindur prison.

He admitted that he was given a lot of leniency while in prison. However, Ba'asyir did not mention what kind of concession he meant.

It is known that during his prison term, this 82-year-old man underwent intensive care in the hospital due to his deteriorating health condition.

"I was given extraordinary leeway because you understand my situation, so for that I thank you," he said.

Previously, Abu Bakar Ba'asyir left Gunung Sindur Prison after performing the Fajr Prayer at around 05:21 WIB, Friday.

Ba'asyir is seen wearing all white clothes, glasses and a mask in a white Hyundai minibus with the license plate AD-1138-WA.

Ba'asyir went straight to his residence at Pondok Pesantren Al-Mukmin Ngruki Sukoharjo, Central Java.

Head of the Public Relations and Protocol Section of the Directorate General of Social Affairs, Rika Aprianti, said Ba'asyir's trip to his residence received escort from Densus 88 Anti-terror at the National Police Headquarters and the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT).

The West Java Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights declared Abu Bakar Ba'asyir pure freedom on Friday, January 8, 2021.

Head of the West Java Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Imam Suyudi, said that Ba'asyir's release had been confirmed according to procedure. According to him, Ba'asyir has served a 15-year sentence minus a 55-month remission.