A Year Of The Ukrainian War, The US Again Gives Additional Sanctions To Russia

JAKARTA - The United States has again imposed sanctions on at least 60 Russian individuals and entities. This is also for a number of companies running nuclear weapons programs.

The sanction marks the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

"One year ago today, Russia launched a brutal and groundless full-scale war into Ukraine. We remain committed to supporting the Ukrainian people," US Secretary of State Antony Blinken quoted Antara as saying.

In a statement issued by the US State Department, Blinken also stated that the US is stepping up efforts for the Kremlin - Russian President Vladimir Putin's office - to account for the war Russia is fighting against Ukraine.

"Economic sanctions, export controls, and tariffs announced this week, coordinating with the G7, show that we will continue to work closely with our allies and partners to increase pressure on President Putin," Blinken said.

The pressure, he said, was aimed at silencing Putin's ability to wage war and to undermine Russia's economic ability to fund war.

As part of efforts to increase Russia's spending burden, Blinken said, President Joe Biden on Friday announced an increase in additional rates for various goods from Russia.

The US raised tariffs on most metals and metal products by 70 percent, as well as on other Russian products to 35 percent. The measures are designed to target Russia's main sources of revenue for the Kremlin, while reducing US dependence on Russia.

The US State Department has also imposed sanctions on a number of entities and individuals who play a role in activities that undermine US peace and stability and its allies.

Sanctions also include entities and individuals facilitating grain theft in Ukraine, and that wage war or occupy Ukrainian territory on behalf of the Russian Federation.

Natalya Leonidivna Desyatova became one of the sanctioned for being considered responsible for the theft.

Desyatova, who Russia appointed as Director of the Kherson Art Museum in Ukraine, has left about 10,000 items of the museum's collection looted by Russian troops, according to a US Deplu statement.


The US Department of Foreign Affairs also announced measures to impose visa restrictions on 1,219 Russian military members as a result of their actions that threaten or violate Ukraine's sovereignty, territorial integrity, or independence.

The sanctions target some of the Russian Federation military officials, namely Artyom Igorevich Gorodilov, Aleksey Sergeyevich Bulgakov, and Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Vasilyev.

Gorodilov has been sanctioned for his involvement in gross human rights violations, namely extrajudicial killings or extrajudicial killings.

Bulgakov and Vasilyev are also suspected of committing torture and/or cruel, inhuman, or degrading punishments.

Thus, Gorodilov, Bulgakov, and Vasilyev, as well as their close family members, did not qualify to enter the United States.

Based on these sanctions, every US property owned by those affected by the sanctions or those controlled on their behalf by US citizens will be blocked.

"This shows our unity to ensure Russia bears its brutal war costs. Ukraine is a symbol of freedom for all of us. The United States will continue to support Ukraine as long as necessary," Blinken said.