20 Days Left In Office, Could Donald Trump Be Impeached?

JAKARTA - President Donald Trump is in danger of facing a second impeachment, after hundreds of his supporters rioted and damaged the Capitol Hill Building when the US Congress discussed the results of the US Presidential Election which was won by Joe Biden.

Launching Reuters Friday January 8, US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schrumer asked US Vice President Mike Pence and the Cabinet to use the US Constitution to "overthrow" Trump because of "incitement" that made his supporters riot.

The Speaker of the US House of Representatives who is also a Democrat Nancy Pelosi has indicated that she will gather members of the US House of Representatives to start the impeachment process against Trump. Meanwhile, the Chair of the US House of Representatives Judiciary Committee Jerry Nadler, who is authorized to draft the impeachment article, has stated his support for this idea.

"This man (Donald Trump) is deadly, for our democracy, for the citizens of this country," said Nancy Pelosi.

Long process

Donald Trump's tenure, which is less than 20 days away, is a question mark about the impeachment plan that is being carried out against Trump. Because, it takes time and process.

Reflecting on the previous impeachment that Trump experienced, the first step from impeachment is that the US House of Representatives will vote on the articles on which a president can be impeached. If all the articles have been determined, members of the US House of Representatives will hold a vote.

If less than 51 percent of DPR members do not agree to impeachment, the president will automatically remain in office and the impeachment process cannot continue. Meanwhile, if 51 percent or more members of the US House of Representatives agree to the impeachment, the next step is the US Senate hearing.

The US Senate will hold a hearing and a vote. To be impeached, more than two thirds of the members of the Senate must declare the president guilty or the articles charged. If not, the president will remain in office.

In between these processes, there are still long stages of investigation, including those carried out by Committees in Congress, such as the Intelligence Committee and the Oversight Committee.

Voting in the US House of Representatives regarding the impeachment of Donald Trump on 18 December 2019. (Source: commons.wikimedia)

The first impeachment against Donald Trump, related to his pressure on Ukrainian President Volodymymyr Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden, which is considered an abuse of power.

Starting from the announcement of the start of an impeachment investigation on September 24, 2019. However, the official process began on December 18, 2019 after the US House of Representatives accepted and approved the proposed articles.

And, his decision was reached on February 5, 2020, when Trump finally won two votes clearing him of all charges. Where he won 52-48 votes in the first count and 53-47 votes in the second count.

The total process officially takes 1 month 2 weeks and 4 days. If you add the entire initial process, the time is more than 3 months.