People In 6 Regions In Central Kalimantan Are Given A Forest Area Management Permit

PALANGKARAYA - Six urban villages/villages in Central Kalimantan Province have obtained permits to become social forestry areas as one of the government's efforts to help improve the economy and community welfare.

"There are three urban villages that have obtained social forestry permits for the social forest management scheme (HKM), then three other villages have obtained permits with the Village Forest scheme," said Head of the Central Kahayan Production Forest Management Unit (KPHP), Kamaludin, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, 24 February.

For sub-districts that have an HKM scheme permit, it is Panjehang Village, Petuk Barunai Village, Petuk Katimpun Village with a PS permit with a Community Forest (HKM) scheme.

Then, the village that received the village license with the village forest scheme was Goha Village, Palawan Village, Kasali Baru Village.

"His party will also continue to encourage social forestry permit holders to immediately strengthen institutions, organize areas and strengthen the business of the Social Forestry Group," he said.

It needs to be immediately disseminated to several parties at the sub-district and village levels. Especially regarding the PS Decree that has been published. The goal is that all parties can support the PS program in their respective regions," he said.

The Social Forestry Decree was handed over by President Joko Widodo at Hutan Bambu Tourism, Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan on Wednesday (22/2). The Decree was given to the Deputy Governor of Central Kalimantan Edy Pratowo and six villages/kelurahan in Central Kalimantan which have been accompanied by KPHP Kahayan Tengah and Borneo Nature Foundation (BNF).

Furthermore, one of the villages that symbolically represented the receipt of the Social Forestry Decree was Goha Village, Bayama Tingang District, Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan.

The CEO of BNF Indonesia, Juliarta Bramansa Ottay explained, social forestry assistance, both pre-license and permit, KPHP Kahayan Tengah and BNF, agreed on the basis of Information at the Beginning Unassisted (Padiatapa).

"Through this process, the commitment to work together between KPHP Kahayan Tengah and BNF with the community will be stronger," he said.

"With the community having rights to the forest, more and more forests are managed by the community. We hope to continue to be one of our partners to maintain Central Kalimantan's natural wealth," he said.

Chairman of the Goha Village Forest Management Institution (LPHD), Kardie said, thanks to the support of the Central Kahayan KPHP and BNF, his party was able to make a proposal for the submission of seeds to the Banjar Baru Social Forestry Center and the Ministry of Environment (BPSKL), South Kalimantan.

After receiving this PS decree, his party immediately coordinated with the village government to carry out socialization that the community, especially Goha Village, already has Village Forests.

"In addition, we will implement a village forest management program to benefit the community and be assisted by KPHP and BNF," said Kardie.

Deputy Governor of Central Kalimantan Edy Pratowo hopes that the program can help improve the regional economy and the welfare of the community.

"This provides certainty to the people of Central Kalimantan so that they can freely use the land for useful efforts, for economic improvement," he said.

Through the TORA Program in Central Kalimantan, 27,000 hectares of land certification had previously been carried out. Currently, after the delivery of the Social Forestry Decree and TORA, it has increased by around 18,000 hectares.

Based on data submitted by the Center for Forest Area Implementation (BPKH) Region XXI Palangka Raya, referring to the Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK), a total of about 18,000 hectares, consisting of West Kotawaringin covering an area of 7,092.90 hectares and Palangka Raya covering an area of 11,454.06 hectares.