Abu Bakar Baasyir Left Gunung Sindur Prison After Fajr Prayer

JAKARTA - Former terrorism convict Abu Bakar Ba'asyir left Gunung Sindur Prison, Bogor Regency, West Java after carrying out the dawn prayer at around 05:21 WIB, Friday, January 8, after being declared pure free.

As reported by Antara, Abu Bakar Ba'asyir appeared to be wearing all-white clothes, glasses and a mask in a white Hyundai minibus with the license plate number AD 1138 WA.

In a motorcade that was preceded by an ambulance, the vehicle that Abu Bakr Ba'asyir was carrying was in second place of the five vehicles. From the series of vehicles, there was no police car.

Before the group left the Gunung Sindur prison, several vehicles, one of which was the family of Abu Bakar Ba'asyir, entered the prison area at midnight.

Abu Bakar Ba'asyir's son, Abdul Rahim Baasyir said, the family deliberately did not prepare a special reception when Abu Bakar Ba'asyir arrived at his residence, Ngruki, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java.

"We really don't want a reception. So we also don't want a crowd of people who will end up harming (losses) the crowd," said Abu Bakar Ba'asyir's son, Abdul Rahim Baasyir when contacted by Antara in Bogor, Monday, January 4.

Previously, the West Java Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights stated that Abu Bakar Ba'asyir would be released purely on Friday, January 8, 2021, from Gunung Sindur Prison, Bogor.

Head of the West Java Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Imam Suyudi, said that Baasyir's release was confirmed according to procedure. According to him, Baasyir has served a 15-year sentence minus a 55-month remission.