Vice President Ma'ruf Emphasized The Importance Of The Existence Of Ficians Who Can Respond To World Issues

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma’ruf Amin said the importance of the existence of fiqh experts in responding to legal, political, economic, and cultural issues in the context of Islam." “ I think it is important that we (the Indonesian nation) produce fiqh experts because there are many legal, political, economic, cultural, and social issues whose dimensions are domestic and even global," said Vice President Ma'ruf after attending the inauguration of the Head of the MUI Fatwa Division Prof. Dr. Muhammad Asrorun Ni’am Sholeh MA as Professor of the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah for the Sciences. Faculty of Sharia and Law, in Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, February 22.Vice President Ma'ruf conveyed that the problem in the world must be responded to by fiqh experts because Islam can provide answers to developing problems.“ Many (problems) already exist, but are no longer relevant now, so there needs to be an update. Therefore, experts like this are needed and need to be reproduced,” he said.In his remarks at the event, the Vice President had expressed hope that the achievements of the professors obtained by Asrorun would further strengthen the knowledge gained to be an encouragement in order to continue to contribute to the country, spread goodness and blessings to the people.He appreciated UIN Jakarta for giving birth to many fiqh professors in Indonesia.