Facebook Want To Remove 'Like' Button From Public Pages

JAKARTA - Facebook will overhaul the face on its Pages or public pages belonging to artists, public figures and brands connected with their fans.

This new view for public pages will only display the number of followers and a special News Feed. Where users have a place and can join conversations, interact and engage with fans.

"We are removing likes and focusing on followers to simplify the way people connect with their favorite pages," said Facebook Head of Public Connections and Monetization, Asad Awan, as quoted by TechCrunch, Thursday, January 7.

In addition, the redesign of Facebook Pages also includes a simpler and more intuitive layout and a dedicated news feed. Navigation is also made easier between personal profiles and Pages.

Facebook's new look

The next update, Facebook also provides full control options or partial access to admins, and makes notifications more relevant, as well as improving security features to detect spammy content and impersonating accounts.

"We want Facebook to be a safe place to connect with fans, so we have enhanced our ability to detect unauthorized activity on our platform including speech encouraging hate speech, violent, sexual or spam content, and impersonation," wrote Facebook.