Bring Archery Children And Learn When Learning, 3 SMPN Students In Kendari Were Lectured By Police In Front Of Parents

The police gave firmness to three students who were found carrying bows and arrows during the teaching and learning process at a public junior high school in Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra).

Kendari Police Chief Kombes Pol Muhammad Eka Fathurrahman said the three junior high school students, each with the initials G, A, and AS, were caught in a police raid conducted at the school.

"The three of them carried bows and arrows," he said in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Tuesday, February 21, was confiscated by Antara.

He revealed that the raid was carried out based on a school request to one of the Bhabinkamtibmas personnel, Wawombalat Village, following the discovery of an arrow in the school environment.

In addition to raids, he continued, the school also asked the police to provide guidance to students who in school records often cause problems.

Eka explained that the discovery of prohibited items at school during a raid when officers searched a student bag with the initials A class VIII found one arrow, one catapult, and one sharp iron. Student A admitted that the items belonged to a colleague who was a student from another school.

"Meanwhile, G's bag also found one bow and US student so that it was the reason for the raid," he explained.

After the raid was carried out, he said, the students were immediately given guidance and their parents called to make sure the incident would not happen again.

"The three of them were trained at school by calling their parents and making sure this incident did not happen again," he said.