Unevacuated, The Jambi Police Chief Was Transferred 50 Meters From The Emergency Landing Helicopter Point
JAKARTA - Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Rusdi Hartono and seven other victims were transferred to a location that was more gentle than the starting point of the emergency landing helicopter. The effort was made so that emergency medical treatment went well.
"Yesterday afternoon, we tried to move about 50 meters from the coordinates of the emergency landing helicopter," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters, Tuesday, February 21.
Originally, the starting point for the helicopter to land an emergency was a steep cliff which was said to have a slope of almost 45 degrees. Thus, it is not possible to carry out maintenance there.
Then, at this time the ground evacuation team is also said to be still looking for a more sloping location for where the rescue helicopter landed.
The reason is, not only the slope at the scene of the incident, but also the vegetation in the Kerinci hills.
"The current place in addition to vegetation in the Seblat National Park is quite tight and there is also a fairly steep slope. We are still looking for a point where it is more sloping," he said.
In the search for the helicopter landing point, the land team consisted of 26 people from Basarnas, TNI, to members of the Seblat National Park.
"There are 26 people on this land team, 26 people yesterday, 20 now there are 26 people. From Brimob there are 2 people, TNI 2 people, Basarnas 2 people, Polres Kerinci led directly by the Police Chief there are 6 people," he said.
"From the police medicine there are 2 people, from the community we thank the community community for helping there are 2 people, then from the Seblat National Park there are 5 people," continued Dedi.
Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Rusdi Hartono and his entourage experienced a terrible incident. The helicopter they were traveling in lost contact on Sunday, February 19.
A total of 8 people were victims. Apart from that, the Kapolda there are also several Jambi Regional Police officials and helicopter crews.
From the information, Inspector General Rusdi Hartono was seriously injured. His right arm was broken as a result of the incident.