The Film Bismillah Kumari Inaugurated Re-lifting The Issues Of Polygamy

JAKARTA - MD Pictures for the umpteenth time has again raised the theme of polygamy to the big screen. After the Paragraphs of Love (2008) and the Unforgettable Heaven (2015), Bismillah KuMARii Kunikali is now present. Played by Syifa Hadju, Mikha Tambayong and Rizky Nazar, this film was adapted from a novel of the same name by Vyntiana Itari.

Manoj Punjabi as the producer admitted that he was already interested in the title of the novel itself. It didn't take long for him to agree to bring the novel by Vyntiana into the film.

"I was told by the creative team that there was the book Bismillah Kumarili Kunikali, the title was controversial, interesting. If the controversy is usually interesting," he said during a press conference at Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta on Monday, February 20, 2023.

The producer was interested in including moral messages for the audience behind the controversy over the title of the film itself. "In this world, no one will say: 'Billah KuMARi my husband. But because this is a film we create dramaticity. There are messages that I personally and controversially that could be interesting to me. Maybe this will make people curious, "he said.

For Manoj himself, drama stories in films must have their own uniqueness. Based on the theme of polygamy, Syifa Hadju and Rizky Nazar, who in fact have fans of young people and adolescents, were chosen so that they could connect with as many groups as possible.

Regarding the issue of selected polygamy, Manoj said that the theme already exists in the novel story that is adapted. Apart from that, polygamy stories are considered closer to the lives of Indonesians, compared to one-night dates.

I don't make films that come out of culture. If we look at this film from a cultural point of view, it can be accepted by the community, compared to one night stand that has an outside," said Manoj Punjabi.

Bismillah KuMARii My mother tells the story of Malik (Rizky Nazar) and Hanna (Mikha Tambayong)'s household at the height of happiness, as they are looking forward to the birth of their first child.

During the pregnancy consultation, doctor obgyn still Hanna was unable to attend, and was replaced by a beautiful young doctor named Cathy (Syifa Hadju), who turned out to be his best friend during high school, who also happened to be Malik's ex-girlfriend.

Unfortunately, Hanna was diagnosed with cancer that threatens her and her baby, and she has to undergo surgery near birth. Doctors say that Hanna's chances of survival after surgery are very small.

Hanna realized that she might not live long and before she died, she asked Malik to marry Cathy. Malik and Cathy strongly reject the crazy request, but Hanna was desperate.

After asking for the blessing of the family, the consent was carried out at the hospital, in front of Hanna. The three of them are now involved in complicated love triangles and polygamy.