Lampung IDX Says Young Investors Are Growing In 2022

JAKARTA - The Lampung Representative of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) recorded an increase in the number of young stock investors in 2022.

Head of IDX Lampung Representative Hendi Prayogi said, there was an increase in the number of stock investors, especially for young people aged 18-25 years and 26-30 years.

He said that based on available data, the number of stock investors aged 18-25 years in 2021 was 33,259 people while in 2022 there were 39,666 people.

"Looking at the data, it can be concluded that there will be an additional 6,407 young investors aged 18-25 years in 2022 who will enter the capital market," he said quoting Antara, Jakarta, Sunday, February 19.

He continued that for young stock investors aged 26-30 years there was an addition of 6,722 people last year.

"So the number of young stock investors aged 26-30 years in 2021 will be 14,205 people, then it will increase to 20,927 people in 2022, this is very good growth," he said.

According to him, this growth shows the interest of young people to invest and enter the capital market is very good.

"Seeing the growth in the number of young investors from Lampung in the capital market, it was recorded that until January 2023 the total number of stock investors in Lampung Province was 89,085 people," he added.

Based on previous data, it was recorded that Lampung had a fairly good growth in the number of investors, where in 2015 there were 3,302 investors, then in 2016, it grew to 4,417 stock investors.

It didn't stop there, in 2017 the number of investors increased to 5,537 people, and in 2019 there were 12,421 investors.

Furthermore, in 2020 there will be 22,426 investors, and in 2021 as many as 44,156 stock investors from Lampung will enter the capital market.