Visit To Europe, Sri Mulyani 'Pamer' RI Successfully Overcomes Pandemic Proven By Economic Recovery

JAKARTA Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani is known to be making a working visit to Europe in the middle of this week. Meanwhile, the country visited this time was Germany.

From Frankfurt, he informed that his visit to a financial center in Europe carried out a strategic mission for the Indonesian economy.

"Meeting with investors in Germany, to explain Indonesia's economic recovery and the role of the state budget to support economic recovery and maintain stabilization," he said in a written statement, quoted Friday, February 17.

Dalam agenda tersebut, Menkeu menjelaskan Indonesia sukses mengatasi pandemi, pemulihan ekonomi yang kuat dan APBN yang semakin sehat sangat diapresiasi.

"Indonesia is one of the brightest economies in the midst of a gloomy and sluggish and uncertain world," he stressed.

The Minister of Finance revealed that in the follow-up schedule he should have conducted a briefing of investors in Paris. However, because there was a demonstration in the country regarding retirement age, the trip to Paris was canceled and the meeting was held virtually.

He claims investors really appreciate Indonesia's economic performance and the credibility of our economic and fiscal policies.

"This is a very good capital to continue to maintain Indonesia's economic performance amid world uncertainty and geopolitical tensions. From the meeting of investors in Frankfurt, February 16, 2023," said Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

VOI noted that the visit of the state treasurer to the blue continent was a continuation of the trip abroad where he had previously stopped to Tokyo, Japan. The Minister of Finance noted that he offered important cooperation with Sakura State investors, such as infrastructure development, manufacturing sectors, to the role of investors in the State Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago.