PLN Achieves Business Revenue Of IDR 455 Trillion In 2022

PT PLN (Persero) recorded operating revenues of IDR 455 trillion (unaudited) throughout 2022.

The revenue was presented by PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo in a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission VI of the DPR RI.

"In the midst of exchange rate volatility and ICP assumptions above macro assumptions, PLN will be able to improve its financial performance in 2022," said Darmawan at the DPR RI Building, Wednesday, February 15,

Darmawan said that in 2020, many observers estimate that PLN will experience financial difficulties due to declining electricity demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition, PLN has also signed a contract with a third party and has built a new generator.

He explained that PLN has also succeeded in increasing post-pandemic sales through various extraordinary efforts, especially in 2022.

It is known that in 2022, PLN's electricity sales will grow 6.3 percent, namely 274 TWh, 16.1 TWh higher or equivalent to IDR 22.2 trillion compared to electricity sales in 2021.

Darmawan added, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic yesterday, PLN faced the challenge of oversupply.

To mitigate the TOP burden, PLN optimizes contracts, especially with IPP.

"In the midst of oversupply conditions, we independently negotiated with IPP to postpone the COD so that it doesn't get worse oversupply. And finally we managed to fight for cost saving of up to IDR 47 trillion from joint consultation with 17 IPP independently to find a solution meeting point," added Darmawan.

Darmawan detailed, until the end of 2021 joint consultation with IPP had succeeded in suppressing TOP of IDR 37.21 trillion.

PLN continues to carry out contract optimization efforts in 2022 so that the TOP that has been successfully suppressed is IDR 9.83 trillion.

In dealing with oversupply conditions, he explained, PLN also took various steps to increase electricity consumption.

PLN carries out an extensification and intensification strategy to increase electricity consumption.

The intensification strategy includes an additional power marketing program for existing customers.

While the extensification strategy includes the creation of a new electricity demand through an electrifying lifestyle.

PLN also runs a captive power acquisition program in collaboration with industry to use PLN electricity.

PLN also reaches the electricity needs of the community through electrifying agriculture, electrifying marine and also the development of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and Industrial Estates.

This then becomes one of the pillars of more efficient sales and operational performance in 2022.

"In the midst of the COVID-19 condition, PLN not only survived but even managed to record positive growth," concluded Darmawan.