Directorate General Of Housing Of The Ministry Of PUPR Shelf-Registered Anti-Bribery Management Systems

JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Housing, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) for bribery implements the Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP) in the process of building and implementing housing for the community. This is carried out as a risk mitigation effort, strengthening administrative governance while improving services to the community and ensuring the quality of housing development.

"Today we declare an Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP) within the Directorate General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR. We want the construction of housing for the community to be carried out properly and quality," said Director General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR, Iwan Suprijanto when opening the Coordination and Handling Meeting of the Anti-Bribery Management System in the Directorate General of Housing for Fiscal Year 2023 and Preparation of Programs in 2024 at the Auditorium of the Ministry of PUPR Jakarta, Tuesday, February 14.

According to Iwan, the implementation of the SMAP will be coordinated by the Directorate of Compliance with the Intern Directorate General of Housing. In addition, SMAP will also be carried out by all work units at the center and the Housing Provision Work Unit and the Housing Provision Implementation Center (P2P) throughout Indonesia.

During this activity, the SMAP was announced by the signing of the SMAP Integrity Pact by 18 Housing Provision Implementation Centers (BP2P). Previously, the Center P2P Nusa Tenggara I had signed the Integrity Pact in 2022.

The Director General of Housing together with the Inspector General of the Ministry of PUPR also accompanied the delivery of the SMAP Certification of the Nusa Tenggara I Housing Provision Center (BP2P) from the British Standards Institution (BSI).

The certification criteria are SNI ISO 37001:2016. The certification scope includes, among others, housing provision administration services and the Balai Work Unit including staffing, Procurement, Finance, and BMN.

"With the signing of this Integrity Pact, 19 Housing Provision Centers within the Directorate General of Housing are ready to carry out SMAP," he said.

Furthermore, Iwan explained, the implementation of the SMAP will be coordinated by the Directorate of Compliance with Internal to build a culture aware of risks in all work units of the Directorate General of Housing. In 2023 this is a political year where work, especially housing affairs, which are the lives of many people, is the concern of many parties so that its implementation must be good and professional.

The Directorate General of Housing, he added, is ready to work to build decent housing for the welfare of the people and not for the benefit of certain groups. His party also continues to coordinate with various parties such as the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of PUPR and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to minimize irregularities in the housing sector.

According to him, the directives from the Inspector General of the Ministry of PUPR and the KPK are very important to strengthen the Housing and Satker Center as the spearhead of development in the regions. Moreover, the fulfillment of decent housing is needed to reduce the shortage of housing needs or backlogs for people in the regions.

"We hope that this SMAP can be socialized and carried out by all employees. I also invite all employees at the Directorate General of Housing to carry out 7 T, namely On Time, Right Quality, Right Cost, Right Administration, Right Benefits, Without Findings and Without Complaints so that services to the community and development results remain of quality," he said.

Also attending the Coordination and Implementation Meeting of Anti-Bribery Management Systems (SMAP) in the FY 2023 and Preparation of the 2024 Program, representatives of Ministries/Institutions, namely the KPK, Secretary General and Inspector General of the Ministry of PUPR, partners in the housing sector, BUMN/Companies and housing developers for the 2022 MBKM Batch III activity. Furthermore, Primary High Leadership Officers of the Directorate General of Housing, Administrator Officials of the Directorate General of Housing, Head of the Housing Provision Implementation Center, Head of Regional Sections at P2P Hall, and Head of the Provincial Housing Provision Task Force.