Detained By Malaysian Officials After Entering The Waters Of The Serawa, Natuna Fishermen Picked Up By The Indonesian Consulate General To Return Home

NATUNA - A fisherman with the initials KS (52) from Natuna, Riau Islands (Kepri) who was detained by Malaysian officials for entering the Sarawak area without permission to return to his home area.

The fishermen's return was facilitated by the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in Kuching, Malaysia.

"Today, KS Natuna fishermen were sent home with 12 Indonesian citizens from Imigresen Semuja Depot, Sarawak through the ICQS Tebedu border. For KS, I and the Indonesian Consulate General in Kuching will deliver and hand over directly to the Riau Islands government," said Indonesian Consul General Kuching Raden Sigit Witjaksono at Supadio Airport Pontianak, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan), Thursday, February 9, confiscated by Antara.

The process of returning KS from PLBN Entikong Sanggau using the land route to Supadio Airport Pontianak. Then continue the journey by airplane to Batam City, Riau Islands.

Konjen explained that KS and a friend with the initials JH were detained by the Malaysian Maritime Authority Agency (Malay Maritime Enforcement Agency) and fishing vessels, because they were considered to have entered the Sarawak Malaysia area.

Then after being arrested, the two fishermen and their fishing boats were taken to Tanjung Manis Waters, Sarikey Sarawak on September 7, 2022.

After undergoing the legal process, JH was declared free and repatriable. Meanwhile, KS is still being detained by the Malaysian Government. Then on September 28, 2022, the Indonesian Consulate General's Team Kuching has facilitated JH's return to Indonesia and handed over directly to the Riau Islands Government in Batam City.

"Similarly with JH after being released by KS, we will also facilitate and deliver directly. And on February 10, 2023, we from the Indonesian Consulate General will hand over the KS directly to the Governor of the Riau Islands," he added.

Sigit said, because he was considered to have violated, he entered the Malaysian territory. The results of the trial's decision on October 3, 2022, KS was found guilty of being sexyen 16 (3) of the 1985 Fisheries Deed (Akta 317) and sexyen 25 (a) of the 1985 Fisheries Deed by the Malaysian government.

In addition, KS was also based on the sexyen of 34 1985 Fisheries Deeds where the vehicle (subject) used by the defendant was found guilty or violated, the judge decided that the ship's vehicle belonging to KS was confiscated by the Malaysian Government.

"On February 3, 2023, we received information from the Imigresen Semuja Depot, Sarawak that Indonesian citizens/PMI fishermen KS who previously served their sentences at Sibu Prison, Sarawak have been declared free and handed over to the Imigresen Semuja Depot, Sarawak for the return process to Indonesia," said Sigit.

Coinciding with the repatriation of KS, that too, the Indonesian Consulate General in Kuching assisted an Indonesian citizen with a special condition with the initials MW.

MW has undergone surgery on the head two weeks ago at the Private Clinic in the Kuching area, Sarawak. MW had an accident while working in the Kuching area. The condition has been declared stable by the doctor and can continue treatment to hospitals in Indonesia.

Assistance is also carried out to a female Indonesian citizen in special conditions with the suspicion of a person with mental disorder (ODGJ) with the initials SL.

This SL was brought by the Indonesian people who live in Kuching to the Indonesian Consulate General in Kuching to be assisted in the process of returning and being able to gather with their families in Indonesia.

"For the two Indonesian citizens with special conditions, we coordinate with government agencies at the Entikong PLBN regarding the handling of the return of Indonesian citizens from abroad for further action regarding the flow of the handling process," he said.