Startup Cybersecurity From Indonesia, Paireds, ISO Automation Feature 27001

JAKARTA - Security of personal data is still homework that must be seriously addressed in Indonesia to this day.

In fact, throughout 2022, Indonesia has been shocked by at least seven suspected cases of data leakage originating from large companies, institutions, and government agencies.

All cases of data leakage were revealed to the public because the data was sold freely on online forums. One of the hackers and sellers of these data is an account called "Bjorka", which had made many Indonesian citizens busy.

According to Paireds, the case of leaked data in 2022 is mostly caused by human elements, not only the weakness of a system, therefore the company should not focus on securing the system alone but also has good human resource security governance.

Paireds helps companies improve cloud security practices and compliance solutions easily, with their machine learning and engine Paireds to scan all of its cloud client infrastructure so that other evidence collection and governance processes become automatic and easy, one of these automatic features can be used in the ISO 27001 framework compliance.

ISO 27001 is an international standard for information security management systems (ISMS). Applying this standard can provide some benefits for the company, among others:

Security enhancement: ISO 27001 helps organizations identify and manage information security risks, protect sensitive information and reduce possible data breaches or other security incidents.

Increasing credibility: Companies implementing ISO 27001 show commitment to information security and can improve their reputation and credibility with customers, suppliers, and stakeholders.

Improved risk management: This standard provides a systematic approach to identifying, assessing, and mitigating information security risks, helping organizations make decisions based on information on risk management.

Increasing competitiveness: Companies implementing ISO 27001 can gain competitive advantages by demonstrating their commitment to information security, which can be a differentiating factor in crowded markets.

Better business continuity: ISO 27001 helps organizations develop and implement plans to respond to security incidents, ensuring that they are ready to resume business operations in the event of a security breach.

Overall, the implementation of ISO 27001 can help organizations improve their information security posture, meet regulatory requirements, and increase their credibility and competitiveness.