Iran's Parliament Creates Bill To Eliminate Israel By 2041

JAKARTA - Members of the Iranian parliament submitted a draft law (RUU) that would force the Iranian government to eliminate Israel within 20 years. In addition, they will also remove US troops from Iran.

Quoting Al Arabiya, Tuesday, January 5, 2020, the bill includes 16 articles with the name "Iran retaliates". The legal umbrella was designed in response to the killing of the commander of Iran's Quds Force, Qassem Soleimani in January 2020.

This week marks the one year anniversary of the death of Iran's top general. He was killed along with a senior Iraqi militia leader in a US drone strike in Iraq. After the attack, Iran's relations with the US and its allies in the Middle East became increasingly strained.

The bill also specifies under what conditions Iran can negotiate with the US and what are the criteria for supporting Iran's allies. The bill will also oblige the Iranian government to take measures leading to "Israel's elimination in March 2041" and break Israel's blockade on the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip by shipping essential commodities for free or for a fee.

A report from the Iranian news agency ISNA said the bill also supports funding and organizing guards on Israel's border in South Lebanon and the Golan Heights under the slogans "Liberation of the Golan" and "the right to return Palestinian refugees."

The draft includes obliging future Iranian governments to send humanitarian aid every three months, such as medicine, food and fuel, to the Iran-backed Houthi militias. It aims to "stop their siege on Yemen."

Under the article "Expelling America from the Territory," the bill stipulates that the Iranian government and armed forces will make the necessary arrangements to remove US Army Central Command military forces from the region. The bill also includes Iran's willingness to conclude a defense cooperation agreement, for no less than five years with any country.

In addition, the bill also considers that countries that embrace US troops are partners in US military or security action against its interests in Iran. That means they bear all the responsibility that comes from supporting the US. The bill adds that Iran has the right to respond in any way to the country where US aggression is being waged.

The draft excludes countries where American troops are stationed "illegally" referring to Iraq and Syria. The existence of this bill also emphasizes the obligation of the Iranian armed forces and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards to respond to any US military action against Iran, to an equal or greater degree.

The bill prohibits the government from conducting any negotiations with any country regarding Iran's military capabilities, Iran's role in the Middle East, and issues related to Iranian proxies. Any negotiations with the US, whether bilateral or multilateral are also prohibited. The bill also calls on the government to facilitate trade with Russia, China, Syria, Iraq and Venezuela.

Revenge for Soleimani's death

On January 3 last year, Soleimani reportedly arrived in Iraq from Beirut then was traveling in a convoy of vehicles leaving Baghdad Airport when a US drone attacked. The general was killed, along with the Iraqi militia leader.

The death of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards' elite Quds Force frontman caused great outrage and was described as a "blatant assault on Iraqi sovereignty." Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif called the attack an "act of international terrorism" and a "dangerous and stupid escalation."

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei vowed "strong retaliation." For several days after Soleimani's death, the portrait of the military leader graced the streets of Tehran. The masses raised signs demanding revenge. The possibility of Iran and the US going to war was obvious at that time.