Minister Of Transportation Budi: Development Of Transportation Infrastructure Increases Economic Growth And Tourism In Aceh

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said that the development of transportation infrastructure by the government in Aceh Province and its surroundings could spur an increase in economic growth and tourism.

During his working visit to Aceh, Budi Karya visited a number of transportation infrastructures, namely Kuala Langsa Port in Aceh Province and Paya Ilang Takengon Type A Terminal in Central Aceh Regency.

Budi said, the Ministry of Transportation is preparing for a dredging work at Kuala Langsa Port managed by PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo).

"This work will begin to be carried out in 2023 with a collaboration between the Ministry of Transportation (KPLP Directorate, Directorate General of Sea Transportation), Provincial Government of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, and PT Pelindo," he said in a statement, written Thursday, February 9.

At Kuala Langsa Port, there will be a dredging of -5.5 mLWS, with an estimated druk volume of 197.7 thousand m2.

The dredging was carried out to support aspects of the safety of shipping lanes according to the Port Master Plan.

This includes increasing the flow of connectivity between ports, as well as increasing the volume of movement of goods and competitiveness at Kuala Langsa Port.

At the Kuala Langsa point, there was a deposition with a depth of only 3 meters so that the sea toll boat could not enter. It is hoped that within 4-5 months the dredging process can be carried out and commercial ships can exit and enter Kuala Langsa Port," he said.

Budi hopes that the Langsa City Government and the NAD Provincial Government can support the smooth dredging of the Kuala Langsa Port.

Furthermore, Budi also visited the Type A Paya Ilang Takengon Terminal which was revitalized in 2021 and completed in 2022, using the APBN of IDR 20 billion.

This terminal has an area of about 9,792 m2 and serves the destinations of North Sumatra, Riau, West Sumatra, and DKI Jakarta.

The terminal facilities include bus deposition areas, bus arrival routes, bus departure routes, passenger waiting rooms, management offices and commercial areas.

"Alhamdulillah, I have visited Terminal Type A in Takengon and Rembele Airport (Bener Meriah Regency). The place is beautiful, the air is cool, and the potential is a lot. There is good batik, Kerawang Gayo. Here, there are many potential sites and beautiful buildings, I suggested to Pak Pj. Regent to renovate them for tourist attractions," he said.

The average number of AKAP bus vehicles that come and depart from the Type A Paya Ilang Terminal is 5 buses per day and the average number of AKAP bus passengers is 107 people per day.

Meanwhile, the average AKDP vehicles that come and go are 23 vehicles per day and the average number of AKDP passengers is 142 people per day.

The construction of the Ilang Takengon Paya Terminal is expected to facilitate the flow of passenger connectivity between provinces and regions; increase economic growth; and support the local tourism sector such as Terong Beach, Meneng Beach, Lut Tawar Lake, Loyang Koro Cave, Mengaya Falls, Gayo Arabica Coffee.

Budi conveyed the plan to build a dry port on an area of 4 hectares with a collaboration between the Nanggroe Aceh Provincial Government Darussalam, the Bener Meriah Regency Government, and the Central Aceh Regency Government.

"In addition, it also encourages Forkopimda to explore the tourism potential of Gayo land," he said.