How Did The National Press Day Start?

YOGYAKARTA Nasioal Press Day is celebrated every February 9th. This moment is also commemorated as the Birthday of the Indonesian Journalists Association or PWI. Then what is the history of Press Day in Indonesia?

Journalists as part of the press activities took part in seeking Indonesian independence. The press actors did not directly hold hands, but their activities in the world of reporters helped inspire the spirit of the struggle of the Indonesian people to escape from colonialism.

The press actors at that time were united to help the struggle of the Indonesian people in gaining their independence. Information is spread either through radio broadcasts or through print media.

The large sacrifice of press actors sparked national press figures to gather in Yogyakarta. The activity was held on June 8, 1946. In the association they then formed a Circular Publishing Union (SPS) which was filled by many large Indonesian press figures such as Adam Malik, Iwa Kusumasumantri, Ki Hadjar Dewantara, Mohammad Yamin, Rasuna Said, Sukarno, Tijpto Mangunkusumo to WR Supratman.

The press figures considered that press publisher actors needed to be well organized and managed because until post-independence, the colonial government was still trying to influence the national and international community regarding Indonesian independence.

The forerunner of the SPS itself has actually begun to form before the meeting in Yogyakarta. The idea of forming SPS emerged in a meeting held on February 9-10, 1946 in Sono Suka, Surakarta which was attended by press figures, newspaper and magazine directors, journalists, and fighters from other elements related to the press.

The press figure who attended the meeting in Surakarta then agreed to form an Indonesian journalist organization called the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI). At that time Mr. Sumanang Surjowinoto was appointed chairman and Sudarjo Tjokrosisworo as secretary.

The persistence of the press figures in voicing the aspirations for the formation of PWI was welcomed by the government. In the New Order era, precisely in 1985, National Press Day was officially commemorated every February 9. This date also coincides with the establishment of PWI in Surakarta.

National Press Day is based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 1985 which was signed by President Suharto on January 23, 1985.

That the 9th of February was a historic event for Indonesia's national press life because on that date in 1946 an Indonesian Journalists Association organization was formed which was a supporter and national press force.

In 2023, the commemoration of Indonesian Press Day will be held in Medan, North Sumatra. The event will be held starting to respond 7-12 February 2023. Meanwhile, the peak event will be held on February 9 in conjunction with National Press Day.

On this occasion, the North Sumatra Provincial Government set the theme Pers Merdeka, Democracy Dignity. Not only that, in celebrations at the same time the 2023 National Press Day logo and mascot will be launched which will be used during the event.

President Jokowi also attended the celebration of National Press Day. During his visit to Medan, in addition to attending peak events, he will also carry out a number of other agendas such as inaugurating infrastructure and visiting several markets.

That's information related to National Press Day. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.