Indonesian National Armed Forces-Polri Help The Search Of Village Head Buried By Landslide Due To Illegal Gold Mining In Nagan Raya

NAGAN RAYA - TNI and Polri personnel together with BPBD Nagan Raya and the community are still trying to search for Said Bukhari, the village head who was buried in a landslide in Alue Gantung Village, Bubon.

"Even though it was raining, BPBD, TNI/Polri, and the community continued to search for the village head in the hope that the victim could be found," said Nagan Raya Police Chief AKBP Setiyawan Eko Prasetiya accompanied by Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Machfud, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, 8 February.

He confirmed that a village head in Beutong District, Nagan Raya Regency was buried in a landslide in the area.

However, until Wednesday evening, the police did not know why the victim was buried in an avalanche in Alue Gantung, Gampong Pante Ara, Beutong District, Nagan Raya Regency.

"Information circulating in the community, the victim was buried in a landslide at a location suspected of being an illegal gold mine," he said.

To prevent illegal mining from happening, said AKP Machfud, towards the end of 2022, the Nagan Raya Police through the Satreskrim have banned people in Nagan Raya Regency from carrying out gold mining without a permit.

In order to prevent and control, the police have put up banners in a number of areas suspected of being illegal gold mining locations to prevent environmental damage and loss of life for illegal miners.