Exceeds Target, PLN Electricity Sales In 2022 Reaches 279 TWh

JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) recorded a growth in electricity sales of 6.17 percent or 270.82 TWh with a total of 85.28 million customers throughout 2022.

This acquisition increased by 15.75 TWh compared to the previous year which was only 255.07 TWh.

Main Director of PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo explained that PLN is taking various steps to be able to continue to create good company performance.

"In accordance with the government's directives, PLN is all out in participating in maintaining post-pandemic national economic recovery through reliable electricity supply for industry, business, MSMEs to all levels of society," explained Darmawan to the media, Wednesday, 8 February.

Darmawan added, the best sales record in 2022 was the result of the company's extensification and intensification strategy.

The intensification strategy includes power-added marketing programs for existing customers.

Meanwhile, the extensification strategy includes creating new electricity demands, namely the acquisition of captive power and electrifying agriculture.

"PLN continues to look for new market niches through the captive power acquisition program, so it has succeeded in inviting many business and industrial customers to switch from using their own power plants to PLN electricity, so that this program has succeeded in contributing to sales of 2.53 kWh," added Darmawan.

Apart from targeting the industrial sector, Darmawan explained that PLN's strategy to maintain electricity consumption growth is also through the agriculture, livestock, fishery and plantation sectors, namely the electrifying agriculture program.

No doubt, this electricity-based modern agricultural program has successfully contributed sales of 0.31 TWh.

"Through the electrifying agriculture program, PLN is also encouraging innovation in the agriculture, livestock, fishery and plantation sectors so that people who previously used fossil-based, expensive and environmentally damaging agricultural machinery become electricity-based, inexpensive and environmentally friendly," added Darmawan.

In addition, to be able to encourage growth in electricity consumption in the household and retail customer sectors, PLN is running an intensification program for marketing programs, such as a power-added promo which accounts for sales of 1.31 TWh.

Regionally, Darmawan said, electricity sales during 2022 for all regions increased.

The regions of Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua, and Nusa Tenggara (Sulmapana) have experienced the fastest growth, with 9.34 percent or 20.34 TWh.

This is a signal that industrial growth in the eastern region of Indonesia is starting to move.

Meanwhile, the Sumatra and Kalimantan regions grew by 6.43 percent or 56.05 TWh and the Java, Madura and Bali regions grew by 5.78 percent or 194.42 TWh.

Sectorally and sequentially in 2022, electricity sales at household rates accounted for 42.53 percent, industrial tariffs accounted for 32.35 percent, business 17.49 percent, social tariffs accounted for 3.69 percent, public tariffs accounted for 3.15 percent, and multipurpose, traction, and bulk services contributed 0.79 percent.

"It is an honor for PLN to be part of the post-pandemic national economic recovery. The achievement in electricity sales growth in 2022 is clear evidence that together we have succeeded in maintaining stability amidst the pandemic and uncertain global geopolitical conditions," concluded Darmawan.