Admittedly Regret, MYD Gisel's Video Pervert Male Actor: Maybe This Is A Punishment From God

JAKARTA - Michael Yukinobu de Fretes (MYD) admits that he regrets making a nasty video with Gisella Anastasia alias Gisel in 2017. At the time this nasty video was made, Gisel was still the wife of Gading Marten.

"I am truly sorry for everything I have done," said Michael Nobu or MYD after undergoing an examination at Polda Metro Jaya, Monday, January 4.

According to him, the disclosure of the video nasty and that led to legal problems, namely that his being a suspect by Polda Metro Jaya was a punishment from God.

"Maybe this is a punishment from god to me," said MYD.

MYD also asked for support to all who can get through this problem properly. "And I beg all my friends, pray for support and I really apologize for everything," he said.

MYD left after undergoing an almost 11 hour check at Polda Metro Jaya. Wearing a white shirt, MYD apologized to all Indonesian people.

As for Michael Yukinobu De Fretes, the male actor in the perverted video, Gisel was charged with the Pornography Law. Gisel and MYD were accused of Article 4 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 29 and or Article 8 in conjunction with Article 34 of Law number 44 of 2008 concerning Pornography.

Article 4 paragraph (1) of the Pornography Law regulates the prohibition of producing, making, reproducing, duplicating, disseminating, broadcasting, importing, exporting, offering, trading, renting, or providing pornography which explicitly contains:

1 intercourse, including sex that is deviant;

2 sexual violence;

3 masturbation or masturbation;

4 nudity or an impressive display of nudity;

5 genitals; or

6 child pornography