What Is Sabotage, These Are The Characteristics And Impacts On The State And Society

YOGYAKARTA - Sabotage is a term that is often heard in planned crimes. Even sabotage is classified as a serious crime because it is planned in a structured manner and usually involves important parties. What is sabotage?

Sabotage is defined as an act of damaging and disturbing certain parties that are carried out intentionally and in a planned manner. Sabotage is deliberately carried out to cause riots or losses for victims. This crime is usually committed by rebel groups in an area or state.

Based on the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), sabotage is the destruction of government property and so on (by rebels). According to Britannica, sabotage is defined as an act of destruction or destruction of something intentionally to make it not functioning properly.

Sabotage is also defined as a deliberate act for the purpose of weakening governments, organizations, or businesses through subversions, disturbances, vandalism, and obstacles. The act of sabotage is usually carried out in a hidden or secret manner. A group of rebels who sabotaged will hide their identities to avoid legal entanglement.

In the war, the term sabotage is used to mention the activities of individuals or groups that are not related to the military, but with espionage. This action generally starts from the recruitment stage and special exercises for provision of targeting actions.

Meanwhile, in the world of work, sabotage can be interpreted as an act of barrier to company production or acts of destruction and suppression of smooth work carried out by dissatisfied workers.

There are several types of sabotage targets, here is the explanation:

Physical sabotage is an action that is carried out intentionally, planned, and confidentially, to damage physical targets. This sabotage generally attacks public facilities, such as infrastructure, personnel, and vital activities that are currently happening in the community.

This sabotage is carried out on purpose and is planned to damage something that is in the form of technology or information networks. The information network that is usually targeted is confidential access to information and plays an important role in the sustainability of a region or country.

This type of sabotage is done by someone against himself. This sabotage is done to make him experience repeated failures. This sabotage is usually done by individuals who are lazy, coward, inconsistent, easily satisfied, and often delay work.

The act of sabotage has certain characteristics, here's the explanation:

The most common feature of sabotage is planned. The act of sabotage has usually been carefully planned or prepared certain strategies for destructive purposes. Apart from being planned, this action is also carried out in secret or in secret.

The sabotage was carried out to cause damage or losses to the victims. As a result of this action, there are usually damaged facilities or valuables. Not only has an impact on physical objects, acts of sabotage also have a negative effect on a person's psychology or the wider community.

Another characteristic of acts of sabotage is the presence of damage. Sabotage can be done using explosives to destroy public facilities, such as buildings, roads, and so on. Sabotage is always synonymous with vandalism.

Sabotage is a serious crime because it has a big impact on its victims. Here are a number of impacts from the sabotage:

That is the review of what sabotage, characteristics, and impacts are caused. Sabotage can occur caused by several factors, ranging from the destruction of certain groups or regions, rebellion against government or corporate systems, and so on.

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