The Deputy Governor Of South Sulawesi Inaugurates The Grand Mosque Of Batu Jajar Makassar Which Is Disability-Friendly

MAKASSAR - Deputy Governor of South Sulawesi, Andi Sudirman Sulaiman invited all parties to prosper the mosque. This invitation was conveyed by Andi during the inauguration of the use of the Batu Jajar Mosque in Makassar.

"Let's make this mosque prosperous, we will continue to apply health protocols," he said, Monday, January 4.

The mosque, which is fairly magnificent, is located at Jalan Batu Jajar, Bukit Baruga Complex, Antang, Manggala District, Makassar City.

This mosque was built independently by H. Arif. This is the fourth mosque in the Bukit Baruga Complex. Behind the grand building of the three-story mosque, this house of worship for Muslims is friendly for people with disabilities.

By presenting a special pathway to facilitate disabilities if they want to enter this mosque. Due to the other route to enter the mosque, you have to climb several steps.

Not only is it friendly for people with disabilities, this mosque is also child-friendly. With facilities that are popular with children, including futsal and basketball courts and a koi fish pond.

The Deputy Governor of South Sulawesi, Andi Sudirman also appreciated the presence of a disability-friendly and child-friendly mosque.

In the implementation of the inauguration of this mosque, of course, still pay attention to health protocols. By requiring the use of masks, to keep a distance.

Andi Sudirman admitted that he was amazed at this mosque. "Incredible, Masya Allah," he said.

In the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Deputy Governor of South Sulawesi reminded him to continue to pay attention to health protocols. At the beginning of the pandemic, there were even restrictions on praying.

Andi Sulaiman said that public support for the government is needed in reducing the spread of COVID-19. Efforts have also been made, including centralized quarantine for OTGs or those who have had contact with positive patients.

The Deputy Governor of South Sulawesi advised him to always maintain honesty and sportsmanship. That way, if you are unwell or tired so you don't work or do activities outside the home.