Chairul Tanjung Officially 'Deposit' IDR 100 Billion To Bengkulu Bank

JAKARTA - The Chairul Tanjung conglomerate through Mega Corpora officially deposited the first phase capital of Rp. 100 billion to PT Bank Bengkulu, at the end of December 2020. For this reason, the Bengkulu regional development bank was finally able to meet the core capital requirement of at least Rp1 trillion.

The ninth richest person in Indonesia injected capital into Bengkulu Bank to increase the CT Corp bank's business portfolio, especially in the Regional Development Bank (BPD). Apart from owning PT Bank Mega Tbk, Mega Corpora already holds share ownership in BPDs such as Bank Sulawesi Utara and Bank Southeast Sulawesi.

Chairul Tanjung paid in the first phase of capital of Rp. 100 billion after the two signed a share-taking agreement at the beginning of the last week of December 2020. The second phase of capital deposit will then be made until April 2021.

With the core capital of Bank Bengkulu that has reached Rp1 trillion, they will go through a verification process from the OJK as the regulator to step into BUKU II. It is known, after becoming BUKU II, Bank Bengkulu will expand with the scope of business activities such as improving e-banking technology services, foreign exchange trading, other product development that previously did not exist at Bank Bengkulu.

The acting (Acting) President Director of Bank Bengkulu, Ikhwanul Okti, said in November 2020 that by becoming BUKU II, services at Bank Bengkulu would automatically improve, especially in relation to transaction services for customers.

"In the future, what we will pursue, namely internet banking services, cash management systems and credit cards, we will do everything," he said.

Based on the financial statements of Bank Bengkulu on September 30, 2020, the share ownership of Bank Bengkulu, including the Bengkulu Provincial Government, is 44.28 percent and the rest is shares owned by 10 regency and city governments in Bengkulu.

As for November 2020, Bank Bengkulu has successfully booked total assets of IDR 8.305 trillion. Total net profit reached Rp140 billion, which grew by 133 percent against the 2020 target.

Loans disbursed by Bank Bengkulu amounted to Rp5.83 trillion. Bank Bengkulu's third party funds (DPK) were recorded at Rp. 7.06 trillion.