VIDEO: Considered Meresah, An Oknim Police With The Rank Of Bripka Reported By Residents Of Jatiwarna

JAKARTA - Representatives of residents of RT 004/003 Jatiwarna, Bekasi opened up about the behavior of Bripka M who allegedly made it restless. Bripka M is said to have installed a post in front of the house of a resident of RW 03 and was awaited by a number of people who are not local residents. The statement was conveyed by the Head of RW 03 Nur Asiah when met at Polda Metro, Sunday (5/2). The installation of the post was said to be right in front of a resident's house named Soraya. Soraya admitted that Bripka M, who was in uniform at that time, immediately grabbed the land and posted a post without permission. The report was a form of asking for protection for alleged unpleasant actions by Bripka M. Until now, the VOI team is still trying to contact the Jatinegara Police regarding this matter. Watch the video below.