TOO Stress Has Often LOST When Judicating Online, Police Members In Makassar Search Sangkur Into Their Stomachs And Necks

JAKARTA - One of the National Police personnel, Bripda YL with the rank of Police Two Brigadier (Bripda) who previously attempted suicide, is currently being treated at Bayangkara Hospital in Makassar, South Sulawesi.

"Regarding the suicide plan, it is true that members at the Directorate of Samapta Polda committed suicide. This incident started when the person concerned often played online or online gambling," said Head of Public Relations of the South Sulawesi Police, Kombes Pol Komang Suartana, to reporters in Makassar, Monday, February 6.

He explained that he had won, but after that he often lost.

And when he doesn't have money, then borrows money from the bank for various reasons to help his parents.

'When he played (online gambling) and lost, then he was stressed. Because he had a loan at the bank and he always lost so he wanted to end his life by stabbing (the handle) in his stomach and neck," said Kombes Komang.

However, when he started to feel sick, he continued, he then asked for help by calling his friend to be taken to the hospital for treatment.

"That was the beginning of the incident," he said.

So far, said Komang, the victim has been treated and the condition is quite good. For the time being, the person concerned cannot be questioned because he is still undergoing medical treatment.

"Later, when it is good, Propam will ask for information. The cellphone has been checked to find out which site he is playing online gambling on, and whoever his friends are participating in online gambling. The amount of debt at the bank is still being investigated by Propam," he added.

Previously, a member of the National Police on duty at the Samapta Unit of the South Sulawesi Police with the initials, YL, 22 years old with the rank of Bripda, tried to end his life by slashing his own neck and stomach with a sharp knife.

The incident was carried out at his home, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, Tamalanrea District, Makassar, on Tuesday 31 January 2023 at around 07.00 WITA. Currently, the condition in question has improved during the treatment period at Bayangkara Hospital Makassar.