The DKI DPRD Building Lockdown 2 Weeks Due To 15 Positive People Of COVID-19

JAKARTA - The chairman of DKI DPRD, Prasetio Edi Marsudi, decided to close (lockdown) the DPRD building for longer than stipulated, namely for 2 weeks from today. Because, there are 15 people who have contracted COVID-19.

Prasetio said the closure of the DKI DPRD building for 14 days was carried out to break the chain of transmission of the corona virus, considering the large number of people who were exposed.

"Today, starting from the 4th to the 18th, I will lockdown the DPRD office. To break the COVID-19 chain, I decided to take the road, I broke the chain, which is I lockdown," said Prasetio in front of the DPRD DKI building, Central Jakarta, Monday, December 4.

In detail, there were seven DPRD members who were exposed, namely MH Thamrin, Taufik Zulkifli, Yusriah Dzinnun from the PKS faction; Yudha Permana, Abdul Ghoni, Ichwanul Muslimin from the Gerindra Faction, and Jhony Simanjuntak from the PDI-P Faction.

Then Acting (Plt) Secretary of the Council (Sekwan), Hadameon Aritonang; Sekwan staff, Ahmad; Driver Sekwan, Agus Riyanto, Head of Subdivision Plenary, Faction, and Pansos Nurbaini; and Finance Staff, Hermansyah.

Then PJLP Expert Staff to the Chairperson of the DKI DPRD, Eka; Expert Staff of the wife of the Chairman of the DPRD, Komariah; and Tri Priyo Cahyono, Chairperson and Commission Staff.

During its closure for two weeks, the Jakarta parliament building located on Jalan Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta will be sterilized using disinfectant liquid.

"I turned off the electricity and I sprayed it, because it was nothing, because this building has no ventilation. The problem is that. So, I turned off all the electricity in the DPRD, nothing could be turned on," said Prasetio.

For information, the closure of the DPRD building due to the COVID-19 case has been carried out three times. Previously, the DPRD Building was locked down from July 14 to July 16 2020 due to a staff member who tested positive for COVID-19.

Then, the DPRD Building was again locked down for five days, starting from Wednesday, July 29 to Sunday, August 2. This is due to the presence of a member of the DPRD, DPRD secretariat staff, and other individual service providers (PJLP) who are infected with COVID-19.