Financial Services Authority: West Kalimantan Credit Grows 11.44 Percent, Higher than National

JAKARTA - In general, bank credit in West Kalimantan will experience growth in 2022 (YoY) on December 31, 2022, compared to December 31, 2021.

Head of the Supervision Section for Financial Services Institutions of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) of West Kalimantan, Budi Rahman said, banking performance in 2022 in West Kalimantan (YoY) based on the location of the bank was classified as good. Among them can be seen the total credit which grew 11.44 per cent or higher than the national rate of 11.35 per cent.

However, said Budi, if investigated further, namely by looking at credit growth based on project location, it was only able to grow slightly by 0.11 per cent.

"This shows that banks located in West Kalimantan have a fairly high credit growth (11.44 per cent), but the location of lending is more dominant in projects outside West Kalimantan", he quoted Antara as saying.

So, he continued, if you calculate the growth of credit disbursed to financing in West Kalimantan, namely in project locations, it only grew 0.11 per cent from last year.

He also said that this data is also a challenge for stakeholders and the community regarding how to encourage the growth of the business sector in West Kalimantan so that it can absorb even higher credit or financing.

"Through the downstream industry, it is hoped that it will encourage the growth of other industries as a whole. With the increasing number of projects in West Kalimantan, the banks will also extend their loans in West Kalimantan. So that the funds collected in West Kalimantan can more optimally support economic growth in West Kalimantan", he said.