Four Ministerial Decrees Remain As Learning Guidelines For Even Semester 2021

JAKARTA - The implementation of even semester learning starting in January 2021 still refers to the Joint Decree (SKB) of four ministers. This SKB contains Guidelines for the Implementation of Learning in the Even Semester of the Academic Year and Academic Year 2020/2021 during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Acting (Plt) Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), Ainun Na'im revealed, the granting of permission to implement face-to-face learning (PTM) in education units is carried out by local governments, provincial offices of the Ministry of Religion and / or offices of the Ministry of Religion. regency / city according to their authority.

"The issuance of PTM permits can also be done simultaneously in one province / regency / city or gradually per sub-district / village / village area. Local governments as the party that best understands the needs and capacities of each region have full authority to make policies," he said. Ainun in a written statement received by reporters on Monday, January 4.

The adjustment of the SKB of four ministers including the Minister of Education and Culture, the Minister of Religion, the Minister of Health and the Minister of Home Affairs was announced on 20 November 2020. The SKB contains complete guidelines for PTM for the even semester of the 2020/2021 academic year and the 2020/2021 academic year starting from the licensing stage, the procedures that must be met, to the health prerequisites and protocols that must be carried out.

There are several important points in the four ministerial decree. One of them, continued Ainun, the decision to open a school must get approval, not only from the local government, but from the school and the school committee, which is the representative of the parents.

"PTM is allowed, not required, so the final decision remains with the parents. If parents are not comfortable, students can continue the learning process from home," he said.

Schools that are opened are also required to meet health and safety requirements and apply strict protocols. For example, the number of students who attend a class session is only 50 percent.

Ainun continued, the education unit was also asked to implement a rotation to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the school environment. This is part of the two principles of education policy during a pandemic that must be realized.

First, ensuring the health and safety of students, educators, education personnel, families and communities as a top priority. Second, pay attention to the growth and development of students and the psychosocial conditions of all education personnel.

"The government will continue to monitor and evaluate the pandemic situation so that the learning process and benefits can continue," Ainun concluded.