Kajati NTB Forms For The Special Team To Dismantling Allegations Of House Rental Cases Of The DPRD Service Rp11.9 Billion

JAKARTA - West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Kajati Sungarpin dispatched a special team to Bima Regency to investigate cases of alleged misappropriation of the official house lease of the council secretary (Sekwan) and 45 members of the Bima DPRD worth Rp11.94 billion.

Spokesperson for the NTB Prosecutor's Office, Efrien Saputera, in Mataram, confirmed that the special team went to Bima Regency with a letter of assignment from the leadership.

"Yes, the team has left Thursday (2/2) to Bima Regency according to orders from Kajati NTB," said Efrien, Friday, February 3, quoted by Antara.

Dalam surat perintah, Kajati NTB meminta tim khusus untuk mengumpulkan data lapangan dan melakukan serangkaian klarifikasi kepada para pihak yang mengetahui mengenai anggaran sewa rumah dinas Sekwan dan anggota DPRD tersebut.

He also assured that the special team provision for going to the field was a public report. All the data listed in the report has gone through a review process.

"The point is that we have studied the report, now we are just waiting for the results to go down to the field," he said.

The public in the report to the NTB Prosecutor's Office attached a budget realization document for the rental of the Sekwan official residence and 45 members of the Bima DPRD.

A nominal value of Rp11.94 billion emerged as a total budget for the last two years starting from 2021 with a calculation of each member receiving Rp132 million per year.

In addition to the budget realization document, the reporter also attached evidence regarding the existence of board members who did not occupy the rental official house because they were known to have a private house.