Pembangun Site Phishing Jadi Pekerjaan YANG Banyak Dicari Di Dark Web

JAKARTA - Kaspersky found that developers, attackers and designers topped the list of IT jobs on the most requested dark web.

The data was obtained based on the results of a review and analysis from the Kaspersky Digital Footprint Intelligence (DFI) Team from a total of 155 job posts and resummation on the dark web from January 2020 to June 2022.

Developers or developers are the most wanted experts on the dark web. This specialization accounts for 61 percent of all the ads posted there.

In this specialization, the web developer, which makes various internet products such as phishing pages, is most searched for by 60 percent of the ads.

Other of the most popular specializations are makers of malware code, which includes the development of Trojans, ransomware, thieves, backdoors, botnets, and other types of malware, along with the manufacture and modification of attackers' tools.

TI attackers or specialists who carry out attacks on networks, web apps, and mobile devices are the second most popular work among cybercriminals, accounting for 16 percent of total advertising. The closest estimate for the legitimate profession of this work is penetration testers.

Several cybercriminals that employ attackers focus on selling access to compromised systems to other cybercriminals, or hacking websites and mobile apps.

Then, there is the job of the designer who occupies the third most professional position with 10 percent of the ads available. This job usually orders to make for dangerous products, such as pages or phishing letters that are difficult to distinguish from the original.

In addition to the three works above, recruiters on the dark web are also looking for IT administrators, reverse engineers, analysts, testers, and other less common IT jobs such as various types of engineers and architects, support specialists, technical writers, forum moderators, and even executives to project managers.