The Ministry Of Industry Expresses The Reason Why The TPT Industry Is Still Affected By Contractions

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) has released the Industrial Trust Index (IKI) for the January 2023 period. It was recorded that IKI's figure at the beginning of this year reached 51.54 points or was at an expansive level. Even so, the Ministry of Industry said that the Textile and Textile Products (TPT) industry was still affected by the contraction to date.

This was conveyed by the Spokesperson for the Ministry of Industry Febri Hendri Antoni Arif at the Ministry of Industry Building, on Tuesday, January 31.

"It is necessary to confirm that the textile and clothing industry is still contracting, one of which is an order," said Febri.

In addition, said Febri, the sales market for the sector is still relatively small, so the target has not been achieved.

"The market hasn't yet, indeed the value hasn't reached 50," he said.

Later, said Febri, the Ministry of Industry will continue to monitor the performance of all industrial sectors through IKI, so that it can reach an expansive level.

"We are trying to try to raise their level, so that their status can change everything into expansionary," he said.

For your information, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that gross domestic product (GDP) at the level of cash (ADHK) in the TPT industry was IDR 34.51 trillion in the first quarter of 2022, an increase of 12.45 percent yoy.

Then, in the second quarter of 2022, the PDB ADHK industry reportedly skyrocketed again to Rp35.17 trillion, an increase of 13.74 percent yoy.

Until the third quarter of 2022, it grew positively by 8.09 percent (year on year/yoy) in the third quarter of 2022 and touched the figure of IDR 34.85 trillion.