Review Alternative Energy, SH Gas Pertamina Converts Fuel To CNG On Trucks To Motorcycles

JAKARTA - PT PGN Tbk as Pertamina Gas Subholding will implement a pilot project for converting fuel oil (BBM) to CNG in the transportation sector from trucks to motorcycles. This is an alternative to cheaper and cleaner energy. Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati said, with the fuel conversion program to CNG, vehicles that are already operating can implement it, this can support faster carbon reduction at affordable costs. "No "It is necessary to buy new vehicles to be converted at a lower cost," said Nicke, while attending RDP with Commission VI at the DPR Building, Tuesday, January 31. President Director of PGN President Director of PGN M. Haryo Yunianto explained, in carrying out the program to convert fuel to CNG Gas Subholding Pertamina, targeting three types of vehicles, the first is a fuel-carrying tank truck operated by Subholding Commercial and Trading. Pererotamina, we together with subholding others are trying to provide other energy alternatives that are cheaper, cleaner and sustainable, said Haryo. From this program, around Rp. 260 million per vehicle per year and save carbon emission reduction of 17,355 tons of CO2 emissions. "We will launch in this program. "In early March, in 2023, specifically for trucks measuring 26 and 32 that we converted first, a smaller one will be followed later," he explained. Haryo continued, the fuel conversion program to CNG will target motorcycles for online motorcycle taxi drivers, this program will be a savings solution for motorcycle riders. Because the price of CNG of IDR 4,500 liters is much cheaper than Pertalite of IDR 10 thousand per liter. "We get a lot of complaint input from especially ojol and others about the current rising fuel price. So PGN does not replace but provide energy alternatives. This means that Pertamina will provide alternative energy to cheaper people who are cleaner," he explained. From the use of CNG on motorcycles, it will save IDR 5 million per year assuming fuel consumption of 2.5 liters per day. This program can reduce subsidy burdens equivalent to IDR 228 billion per year and import dependence of BBM 91 thousand KL for 100 thousand Motorcycles. PGN also targets that in 5 years there will be 100 thousand units of motorcycles that have been converted, the pilot project is planned to start in March 2023 in the Jakarta and Central Java areas. "All motorcycles can be used, so people don't need to buy motorbikes anymore," he said. The next is the pilot project on private cars, this triggered by the conversion of fuel to CNG on Pertamina tankers. Pilot projects will be carried out on April 1, 2023. The efficiency that can be received by the public is 30 million per car with an average use of 15 liters per day. "Why did it stagnate in the past, especially for now because Pertalite Pertamax's disparity is quite high with CNG, this is an alternative energy," he concluded.