What Is The Special Placement Of The Police? Here Are The Rules Based On Perpol

YOGYAKARTA - Special placements or Patsus will be imposed on members of the Indonesian National Police (RI) who commit disciplinary violations. What is a special placement of the Police?

Patsus' sentence was ever carried out in the case of Ferdy Sambo's premeditated murder against Brigadier J. There were dozens of police officers who were detained in a special place for violating the code of ethics in handling the murder case. Some were secured at the Provost Patsus of the National Police Headquarters and some were stationed at the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters or Mobile Brigade.

The application of special equipment has also been imposed on Kompol D because it is suspected of violating the code of ethics. Kompol D is suspected of having a relationship with Nur in the case of the accident that killed Selvi Amalia Nuraeni, a student at Suryakancana University. Nur was the perpetrator who was driving the A6 audi car during the accident.

Special placement is one type of disciplinary punishment for police officers who commit disciplinary violations. Patsus is different from the application of ordinary detention. Security procedures in Patsus are carried out by the provos team.

Provos merupakan sub organisasi dari Divisi Profesi dan Pengamanan atau Propam yang memiliki fungsi untuk menegakkan kedisiplinan dan ketertiban di lingkungan Polri. Jadi pengakuhan patsus provos adalah polisi yang melanggar kode etik kemudian diamankan di tempat khusus oleh tim provos.

The detention of police officers who violate discipline has been regulated in the Chief of Police Regulation (Perkap) Number 2 of 2016 concerning the Settlement of Discipline Violations of Police Members. Police rules that violate the code of ethics are also regulated in Article 98 of Police Regulation No. 7 of 2022 concerning the Professional Code of Ethics and the Police Code of Ethics Commission.

Article 1 paragraph 35 of the Perkap contains that what is meant by special equipment can be in the form of headquarters, certain spaces, residences, ships, or places appointed by the punishing superiors. The rules for the detention period of special autonomy are regulated in Article 1 paragraph 26 of Perkap, namely that members of the police who violate the code of ethics can be detained in Patsus for 21 days. However, if the violations committed are classified as severe, based on Article 5 paragraph 2 then the detention in the special committee can be extended for seven days.

The rules for the detention of the patus are clearly contained in Article 98. Article 98 paragraph 1 of Perpol 7/2022 reads: Decisions for types of sanctions for placement in Special Places as referred to in Article 92 paragraph (5) are carried out after the decision of the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP).' Then paragraph (2) states, 'The order for the implementation of placement in Special Places against Violators as referred to in paragraph (1) is carried out by the Prosecutor'.

Furthermore, in paragraph 3 it is written: In certain cases, placement in Special Places can be carried out before the implementation of the KKEP Session, taking into account: a. security/safety of the alleged violators and the community; b. the case becomes the attention of the wider community; c. It is feared that the violators will run away; and/or d. repeat the violation again.

Furthermore, paragraph 4 reads: In certain cases, placement in Special Places can be carried out before the implementation of the KKEP Session, taking into account: a. security/safety of the alleged violators and the community; b. the case becomes the attention of the wider community; c. It is feared that the violators will run away; and/or d. repeat the violation again.

In paragraph 5 it reads: Orders for the implementation of placement in Special Places against Suspected Violators as referred to in paragraph (4), carried out based on orders from the Head of the Professional and Security Division of the Police/Head of the Regional Police/Head of the Resort Police according to their authority.

Demikianlah review tentang apa itu penempatan khusus Polri. Patsus adalah jenis hukuman yang dikenakan kepada anggota polisi melakukan pelanggaran disiplin. Penindakan patsus terhadap polisi yang melanggar dilakukan oleh tim provos.

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