Indonesia Raya Song Harassment Suspect, Still In Junior High School

JAKARTA - Bareskrim Polri arrested the uploader of the song Indonesia Raya Parodi which went viral on social media. Police Public Relations Division Head Inspector General Pol Argo Yuwono said the perpetrator with the initials MDF who was arrested in Cianjur, West Java, is still in Junior High School (SMP).

"The man who last night was arrested or arrested because we have arrested the suspect by the Criminal Investigation Agency in Cianjur, initially the MDF is 16 years old," said Argo in a press conference, Friday, January 1.

MDF, he continued, had a pseudonym in cyberspace, namely Fais Rahman Simangalungun. "People see with that name, they are clans from North Sumatra. Even though he is a Cianjur person. Last night we caught him at his house and he is in the 3rd grade of junior high school," said Argo.

Furthermore, even though he was still in grade 3 at junior high school, the MDF, who was the suspect regarding the parody Indonesia Raya song video, has been proficient in playing mobile phones and even playing social media since he was eight years old because his parents facilitated him. Not only that, Argo also said that the suspect was also able to trick the police to avoid violations.

"So at the age of eight, the person concerned has learned how to use a cellphone. Then he understands how it is tricking, what if there are officers, found out, he can already. He has studied it since the age of eight," he explained.

"How to make a fake name. He learned how to prevent him from being detected if there is a criminal offense. But he is also detected and we make arrests there," he added.

As a result of this, the police then called the perpetrator's parents to explain this. "For this MDF, which is Cianjur, aged 16, we will also bring his parents along and explain that since the age of eight, this MDF has been given a cellphone by his parents," he said.

Furthermore, as a result of its actions the MDF was threatened with violating the ITE Law because it was suspected of having committed a criminal act of disseminating information aimed at causing hatred or hostility to individuals and / or certain community groups based on ethnicity, religion, race and between groups (SARA) as referred to in Article 45 paragraph (2) Jo Article 28 paragraph (2) Law Number 19 Year 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 Year 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions.

MDF is also suspected of being a criminal offense of changing the national anthem with tone, rhythm, words and other compositions with the intention of insulting or degrading the honor of the national anthem as referred to in Article 64A in conjunction with Article 70 of Law Number 24 of 2009 concerning Flags, Languages, and The National Coat of Arms, as well as the National Anthem.