TII Research Investigating Ganjar Who Is Able To Improve Education Quality Compared To Anies Baswedan

JAKARTA - The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo is considered to have the ability to improve education. Ganjar Pranowo is considered capable of improving education according to the perceptions of young people compared to other candidates.

Reporting from The Indonesian Institute (TII) website, the perception of Ganjar Pranowo can be seen from the research that TII has conducted in 2022.

In an online discussion with the theme Unpacking Perception and Political Participation of Young People Ahead of the 2024 General Election, the perception of the Governor of Central Java can be seen if he is elected President.

Adinda Tenriangke Muchtar, Executive Director of TII in the discussion explained the results of the budget that had been carried out.

In the research conducted, TII uses a questionnaire who produces various perceptions of young people assessing the individual candidates who will run in the 2024 presidential election.

The results are considered interesting because Ganjar Pranowo is considered capable of improving the quality of education.

The results of this perception are considered interesting because they are also compared to Anies Baswedan who is a former minister of education.

"The interesting finding from the results of TII's angket is that even though Anies Baswedan is a former minister of education and is also included in the presidential candidate market, young people see more the figure of Ganjar Pranowo as a figure who can improve the quality of education in Indonesia if he is elected president," said Adinda, Monday, January 30.