Involved In The Action Of Throwing Stones, The Police Arrested 7 Unscrupulous Supporters Of Persita Tangerang

TANGERANG - South Tangerang Police arrested seven perpetrators who were suspected of being involved in throwing stones at the bus carrying players and the Official Persis Solo team. Previously, there were two suspected perpetrators who had been arrested first. They are HK (23) and GR (18).

"7 people have been arrested," said South Tangerang Police Chief, AKBP Faisal Febrianto via text message, Sunday, January 29.

The perpetrators have recently been investigated by the investigative team to find out whether the other perpetrators involved in the new throwing incident were involved.

"(The current perpetrator is-red (We are still developing thanks," he concluded.

The match continued with Liga 1 Indonesia which brought Persita Tangerang together with Persis Solo at the Indomilk Stadium, Tangerang Regency, Saturday, 28, again marked by chaos by unscrupulous supporters. This time it happened outside the stadium.

The action of the gang of supporters allegedly threw stones at the bus that killed the players and the Official Persis Solo.

In the video uploaded to the Instagram account @timasday45, it can be seen that the actions of unscrupulous groups of supporters threw away, causing the glass in front of the bus carrying the players and the official team of Persis Solo to break.

Contacted separately by the Kelapa Dua Police Chief, Kompol Tedjo Asmoro confirmed the incident. Recently, several unscrupulous supporters have been arrested.

However, when asked how many people have been arrested, the former Matraman police chief admitted that he did not know any further.

"(Oknum Supporter sudah -red) Dimanikan di Polres (South Tangerang)," kata Tedjo saat dikonfirmasi, Sabtu, 28 Januari.